LI DMs Outreach to Leadership Teams in Enterprise Companies

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Reaching out to leadership teams in enterprise companies requires a personalized, high-value approach to drive engagement. Blaze's lead generation tool offers access to key decision-makers in large companies. Here's how to structure your outreach campaign effectively.

Step 1: Whom to Target?

Define your target: decision-makers, C-level executives, VPs, and directors in enterprise companies. These could include CTOs, CEOs, CIOs, and Heads of Operations. Focus on industries where your product can deliver significant impact, like SaaS, healthcare, finance, or e-commerce.

Step 2: Get the Audience

  • Signup to Blaze → Find leads → LinkedIn Audience
  • Apply filters to target leadership teams in enterprise companies:
    • Title: CEO, CTO, VP of Operations, CIO
    • Industry: Enterprise Software, Healthcare, Financial Services, etc.
    • Company Size: 500+ employees
    • Company YoY Growth: 30%

Once you have your audience ready, create a segment for targeting.

Step 3: Create a Segment

Filter your leads to create a specific segment of leadership contacts in enterprise companies. This will allow for more focused outreach.

Bonus: Split your segment for A/B testing to identify the most effective messaging and timing.

Step 4: Personalize the Segment with AI Tools

Once you've created your list of contacts, it's time to make your outreach more personalized and effective using Blaze's AI tools. Here's how to do it in simpler terms:

  • Personalized Opener: Automatically create a custom opening line for each person, making your message feel more personal.
  • Ideal Customer Match: Use AI to identify how closely each contact fits the profile of the people or companies who benefit most from your product.
  • Competitor Insights: Learn which other companies in their industry are using similar solutions so you can explain why your product is a better fit.

These AI tools help make your messages feel more relevant to each person, improving your chances of getting a response.

Step 5: Start a Campaign

After enriching the segment, start a campaign on Blaze:

  • Go to Start Campaign → Select LinkedIn → Choose your segment.
  • Complete the flow with your crafted messages and set up the outreach campaign.

Step 6: Craft Your Message

Personalization and value-driven messaging are crucial when targeting enterprise leadership. Below are the templates to guide your outreach:

Template 1: Note with Connection Request

"Hey {first_name} 👋🏻 I'm the founder of a [insert product name], which helps companies like [mention top customers] solve [briefly describe problem].

Can I send over a quick video demo?"

Template 2: Follow-Up Message 1 (2 Hours)

"{first_name}! Thanks for connecting.

Can we grab 10 minutes to talk about [your company name]? I’d love to get your feedback on what we’re building, or I can share a Loom demo.

TLDR: We’re a [brief product description in 2 sentences].

For example, you can [list key features relevant to their needs]:

  • Feature 1
  • Feature 2
  • Feature 3My calendar: [Insert calendar link]"

Template 3: Follow-Up Message 2 (+2 Days)

"Hey {firstName}, I wanted to ping this to the top of your inbox.

I’d love to get your perspective and see if there are any synergies between Blaze and {companyName}.

If you’re not the right person to connect with at {companyName}, I’d appreciate if you could point me in the right direction. :)"

Messaging Tips:

  • Keep the message short, clear, and direct.
  • Personalization is key to engaging leadership.
  • Follow-up messages increase the chances of a response.
  • Use relevant CTAs, such as offering a demo or requesting a quick call.

Expected Outcome

By following this playbook, your outreach to leadership teams in enterprise companies should yield response rates of 8-10%, leading to higher engagement and increased opportunities for product demos and partnerships.

Try Blaze for free

Ready to launch your outreach campaign? Sign up for a 7-day free trial and set up your first Blaze DM campaign today!


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