LI DMs Outreach to Founders to Early Stage Start-Ups

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LinkedIn's data suggests that InMail messages using LinkedIn can have up to a 300% higher response rate than traditional email outreach when they are well-crafted and personalized to the recipient. And here’s the catch of getting this done with easy steps. Blaze's lead gen creation tool holds 500K+ LinkedIn profiles who are building in their venture, founders, developers, marketers, analysts we've got em all!

Step 1: Whom to outreach?

To reach founders effectively, define your ideal target: early-stage Web3 startups or first-time entrepreneurs with traction. Source leads from Bookface, Crunchbase, and LinkedIn. Monitor job changes and social media. Use Sales Navigator for targeting. Apply the Blaze playbook for personalized, value-driven engagement that addresses founders' specific needs.

Step2: Get the Audience

Signup to Blaze →Find leads → Linkedin Audience

Here you need apply the relevant filters as per your the targetted leads you are looking for, Here you can find how we created the lead list for  founders

You can apply filters in

  • Investment stage - Pre-seed, Seed, Pre-series A, Series A
  • Title- Founders
  • Category- SAAS

Note: You can get all the filters here

When you got all your audience by applying relevant filters then you need to create a segment to use run campaigns to these audience.

Step3: Create a segment from the audience

Once you filtered the targeted leads you need to create a segment. By creating a segment you can run any campaigns on this segment.

Bonus: You can use split and truncate these created segments to do A/B testing to check everything is good on large scale

Step4: Use AI fields into your Segment

Once your segment is created You can use the blaze AI field feature to give your leads a personalized experience in their DM, from this AI field you can assign specific personalization for each lead.

You can now use this segment to start an outreach campaign with these leads. As LinkedIn has a limit of sending 300 connections/week so make the size of the segment accordingly as per your requirement

How to do on Blaze:

Go to segmentsCreated by You→ LinkedIn→ open “Your_segment_name” → AI Fields → Select the AI field you wanted to enrich with 1. personalized opener 2. Predicted ICP 3. B2B/B2C 4. Predicted Top Competitor

Step5: Start a campaign

How to do on Blaze:

After completing your AI enrichment, click "Start Campaign" in the segment. Select LinkedIn, then choose the saved segment you want to target for the campaign. You'll be directed to a message page, where you'll need to complete the flowchart according to the message you want to send.

Step 6: Pick your usp and craft your message

While the content of the message sets you up for success, the art and expertise in crafting the message give you the edge to make that success happen.

Here are a few DM message samples that can help you achieve a sure win:

Template 1: Connection Request Note

Hey {first_name}

A founder building in the Gen AI space here. 👋🏻 Would love to connect, exchange notes, and if possible, get some feedback on our product. 😇

Our team hails from <mention top organizations or colleges> and are backed by <investors' names> and other amazing VCs/angels.

Template 2: Follow-up Message 1 (After 2 hours)

Awesome! Thanks for connecting.

Can we grab some time to talk about <name of your company>? I’d love to get your feedback on what we are building.

The TL;DR: We are a <briefly explain your product in max 2 sentences>.

My calendar: <Bitly link>

Template 3: Follow-up Message 2 (After 2 days)

Hey {firstName}

Just wanted to bring this to the top of your inbox. I’d love to get your perspective and explore if there are any synergies!

If you don’t think you’re the right person to connect with at {companyName}, I’d really appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction. 😊

These templates are designed for a smooth flow of outreach and follow-up, leveraging personalization for higher engagement.

💡 Keep in mind these pointers while you’re crafting a message:

  • Keep the DM concise
  • Personalizing the DM gets you a better conversion rate
  • Follow-ups are key as well
  • Add CTAs that prompt a reply over a link click

🤩 Outcome of Campaign

By utilizing Blaze for your outreach campaigns, you can consistently achieve a response rate of 10-12%, ensuring a higher engagement level across your targeted efforts.

Try Blaze for free

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your 7 day free trial of Blaze and set up your first Blaze DM campaign.


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