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Jul 13, 2023

Why you should build a community

Building a community can help create a loyal user base of early adopters. Learn more about the benefits of community.

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Not every product or service requires a community aspect, but many can benefit from such an approach.

How do communities help companies build loyal user bases?

Building communities is critical to nurture social connections amongst adopters of your project. Communities allow members to gather, ask queries, receive support, and talk about different topics and common experiences. Communities give people the opportunity to share their opinions openly and learn from each other, and give early adopters a sense of belonging. For those companies that leverage community, users are often significantly more loyal as a result of shared experiences and social connections.

Communities reduce the workload for customer support agents and make it easier to co-ordinate action

Community can also lessen the burden on customer support functions, if community members voluntarily answer queries on behalf of the company. For web3 projects, communities serve an even more important purpose, as users may eventually be owners and contribute to the operations of the projects. For these kinds of companies, communities also serve as a place to co-ordinate decentralized work.

How does a community help a startup or a project collect feedback?

Gathering community feedback is crucial as it serves as a guiding resource for the progress of your startup company. This feedback loop is essential in the early days of your product when you have few users, and helps you narrow down on your offering for a core audience that needs your project. In addition, if you do right by your members, they will likely be fierce advocates of your product and help with onboarding the next cohort. Ensuring good communication with these early members can ensure this happens.

Also read, Eliminate Spam in Your Community

Examples of successful communities

1. Airbnb Host Community

Airbnb's online community is built and shaped for hosts (not guests), which has been successful and has been through multiple iterations over time.

The Airbnb host community enables hosts to ask queries, share suggestions and recommendations, connect with other hosts, organize meetup groups, and team up in home-sharing clubs.

2. Midjourney Discord Community

Midjourney is a startup that is at the forefront of generative AI. Midjourney's goal is to discover fresh mediums of thought and enlarge the imaginative abilities of humans. The community has more than , where you can leverage AI to craft pictures from your imagination. It even comprises numerous engagement channels such as announcements, polls, newcomer rooms, and much more.


It's important to keep your goals in mind as you build your community and as it takes a life on its own. There is no one size fits for a community. While in some cases a large community might be useful, in other cases a small tight-knit community might serve the purpose. Irrespective of the nature, your community will be one of the most valuable parts of your startup or project.

Blaze is a community automation and analytics tool. It connects  Discord, Twitter, and product data to drive a better understanding of your user journey and marketing campaigns. To explore the Blaze tool, schedule a demo through https://calendly.com/blaze-ai/demo.


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