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Jul 13, 2023

Web3 Gaming Vs Web2 Companies

Uncover how traditional gaming models compare to the innovative features and decentralized nature of web 3. Read more to find out!

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Web3 Gaming Vs Web2 Companies

Web3 gaming vs Web2 companies.

The gaming industry is constantly evolving, and the rise of Web3 will change how we play games forever. Web3 gaming is a new paradigm that leverages blockchain technology to create rewarding and transparent gaming experience. In this article, we'll look closely at Web3 gaming and explore how it differs from traditional Web2 gaming companies. Brace yourself for an exciting journey into the future of gaming!

What is Web3 Gaming?

Web3 gaming is a new way to play games that utilizes blockchain technology to create a more immersive and rewarding experience. In Web3 games, you own your in-game assets as NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This means you can trade, sell, or rent your assets to other players or use them in other games.

By integrating blockchain into the gaming ecosystem, Web3 games allow you to actively participate in shaping the game's evolution and express your opinions on various aspects of the game.

Furthermore, Web3 gaming pioneered play-to-earn, transforming the traditional pay-to-play model. You can engage in asset trading, earn tradeable game tokens, and even earn cryptocurrencies while enjoying your gameplay experience.

An example of a popular Web3 game is Axie Infinity, where you can earn money by playing the game. Other notable Web3 games include Decentraland, Sandbox, and Blockchain Cuties Universe.

Also read, The Ultimate Guide to Top Web3 Games

Exploring the Traditional Web2 Gaming

Traditional Web2 gaming companies have a centralized approach to game development and monetization. They own all the in-game assets, and you don't have any ownership rights. This gives the companies much control over the game and its economy.

Web2 companies typically monetize their games through in-app purchases. This can be a very profitable model, but it can also be predatory. You may be tempted to spend more money on in-app purchases than you can afford.

Here are some examples of Web2 gaming companies:

  1. EA: Electronic Arts is one of the largest gaming companies in the world. They are known for their sports games, such as FIFA and Madden NFL. EA games are typically monetized through in-app purchases.
  2. Activision Blizzard: Activision Blizzard is another major gaming company. They are known for their first-person shooter games, such as Call of Duty and Overwatch. Activision Blizzard games are also monetized through in-app purchases.
  3. Tencent: Tencent is a Chinese gaming company and the largest gaming company in the world by revenue. Tencent games are typically monetized through in-app purchases.

Web2 gaming companies have faced criticism for their use of in-app purchases. Some critics argue that in-app purchases are predatory and can lead to you spending more money than you can afford. Others argue that in-app purchases are necessary, allowing companies to continue developing and supporting their games.

Web3 gaming aims to address some of the problems with Web2 gaming. In Web3 games, you own your in-game assets, which gives you more control over your gaming experience and helps to reduce the risk of predatory monetization practices.

Difference Between Web2 and Web3 Gaming

Web3 gaming offers several advantages over traditional Web2 gaming, but let’s look at the key ones below:

1. Decentralization

Decentralization is a fundamental difference between Web2 and Web3 games. In Web2 games, a central authority exists, overseeing and managing the game. While this central authority streamlines game management, it can also lead to certain issues due to its authority. Transparency is limited in Web2 games, and as a player, you need more visibility into game decisions and operations. Additionally, you should have a say in decision-making, creating a disconnect between you and game developers.

In contrast, Web3 games are decentralized, operating on the blockchain without a central authority. This provides transparency and involvement for players like you and developers. Some Web3 games use decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) that allow players to contribute to decision-making through voting. In Web2 games, the governance system does not consider player input and values.

2. Ownership

Ownership is another significant distinction between Web2 and Web3 games. In Web2 games, you do not have ownership rights over the in-game assets you acquire or create. The game developer retains control over these assets, and you have limited options for leveraging your in-game items outside the game environment.

On the other hand, Web3 games utilize blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to provide you with true ownership of in-game assets. NFTs are unique digital tokens that represent specific assets within the game. You can buy, sell, trade, and even transfer ownership of these assets on secondary marketplaces. As an owner of these NFTs, you can determine the fate of your digital possessions, opening up possibilities for real-world use cases and financial opportunities.

3. Play-to-Earn and Tokenization

Play-to-earn is a new model for monetization in Web3 games. Web2 games focus solely on entertainment, offering no opportunities for you to earn money or own valuable in-game assets. In contrast, Web3 games embrace the play-to-earn model, allowing you to monetize your gameplay by earning cryptocurrencies or non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

This is done through tokens, which are digital currencies that power the game's economy. You can earn tokens by completing quests, winning battles, or other activities in the game. You can then use these tokens to purchase in-game items, upgrade your characters, or trade them for other tokens or cryptocurrencies.

Tokenization in Web3 games grants you true ownership of in-game assets as NFTs, enabling you to trade and sell them on secondary marketplaces, creating real-world value from your virtual possessions.

Play-to-earn has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry and make it more accessible to people from all walks of life. It allows you to earn money while you play, which can help offset the cost of playing the game or even provide a source of income.

4. Infrastructure

In Web2 games, the infrastructure is centralized and controlled by a single entity, which can lead to issues like censorship, security breaches, and lack of transparency. In contrast, Web3 games use decentralized infrastructure, not controlled by any single entity, providing enhanced security, transparency, and user control.

5. Economy

Web3 games introduce economic value, with in-game accounts represented by addresses and transactions facilitated through wallets. Blockchain technology ensures secure trading of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and collectibles, improving transaction security and tracking accuracy of items.

6. Transparency

Web2 games have centralized elements, while Web3 games utilize distributed systems stored on the blockchain, ensuring transparency through voting consensus and eliminating single points of failure.

7. Interoperability

Web3 games offer extensive interoperability by connecting assets and players across different platforms and blockchains, depending on the chosen platform. This allows for cross-chain communication and compatibility, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

8. Trust

Web2 games rely on centralized authorities, raising concerns about bias and favoritism. In contrast, Web3 games are trustless, as smart contracts stored on the blockchain enforce rules and resolve disputes, ensuring fair treatment and quick resolution for all players.


Web3 gaming offers decentralized gameplay, ownership of in-game assets, and play-to-earn opportunities, leveraging blockchain and NFTs for an immersive experience and addressing issues with traditional Web2 gaming. Web3 gaming highlights player empowerment and transparency, providing insights for marketing strategies. Register with Blaze, a leading Web3 marketing automation platform, to explore these innovations firsthand.


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