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Jun 23, 2024

Using Twitter Hashtags for Growth in 2024: Do They Work?

Explore how Twitter hashtags in 2024 increase tweet lifespan, engagement, brand exposure, and audience reach.

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Ready to transform your Twitter game and strap yourself onto the digital rollercoaster of hashtags? Hold onto your keyboard because this ride is bound to be tweet-tacular!

Twitter hashtags, a powerful tool in the digital landscape, can significantly impact conversations, trends, and even societal movements. By understanding their role, you can enhance your online presence, drive engagement, and connect with communities. This blog is your guide to mastering Twitter hashtags in 2024.

This blog empowers you to navigate the dynamic world of Twitter hashtags in 2024, exploring how they drive engagement, amplify messages, and connect communities. We will examine the latest trends, innovative uses, and strategies that can help you harness the full potential of hashtags to boost your online presence. Join us as we navigate the hashtags' journey from simple metadata to powerful tools for communication and change.

What are Twitter Hashtags?

Hashtags in Twitter 

Image credit: Lifewire

Twitter hashtags are words or phrases preceded by the pound sign (#), used to categorize tweets and make them discoverable to a broader audience. Introduced in 2007, hashtags have become a fundamental part of Twitter's ecosystem, allowing users to easily follow and participate in specific topics, trends, or discussions. When you click on or search for a hashtag on Twitter, it brings up all tweets containing that hashtag, providing a centralized stream of content related to that topic.

Why are Twitter Hashtags Important?

Twitter hashtags play a vital role in organizing and categorizing content, making it easier for users to discover and engage with tweets on specific topics. By understanding the importance and strategic use of hashtags, individuals and organizations can enhance their social media presence and connect more effectively with their audience.

  1. Organizing content:
    • Hashtags help categorize content, making it easier for users to find tweets on particular topics.
    • By using relevant hashtags, tweets can reach a wider audience beyond the followers of the original poster. This enhances the visibility of the content and attracts engagement from people interested in that specific topic.
  2. Trending topics:
    • Twitter's trending section highlights the most popular hashtags at any given moment. This real-time feature keeps users informed about current events, viral discussions, and global movements.
    • Trending hashtags can shape public opinion and highlight important issues. They can amplify voices, raise awareness, and even drive social change by bringing attention to causes and movements.
  3. Engagement and interaction:
    • Hashtags create vibrant virtual communities around specific interests. By following and contributing to hashtagged conversations, users can connect with like-minded individuals, fostering a strong sense of community.
    • During live events like conferences, sports matches, or TV shows, hashtags enable real-time interaction. Participants can share their thoughts, reactions, and experiences, creating a shared space for dialogue.
  4. Marketing and Branding:
    • Businesses use hashtags to promote marketing campaigns, product launches, and events. A well-crafted hashtag can create buzz, drive engagement, and enhance brand visibility.
    • Encouraging customers to use branded hashtags in their posts can generate user-generated content. This not only increases brand exposure but also builds authenticity and trust among potential customers.
  5. Social and Political Movements:
    • Hashtags have become powerful tools for activism. Movements like #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, and #ClimateStrike has gained global traction through hashtags, mobilizing support and driving social change.
    • Marginalized groups use hashtags to amplify their voices, share their stories, and advocate for their rights. This democratizes the conversation, ensuring diverse perspectives are heard.

Utilizing Blaze's AI-powered automation can further enhance your engagement strategy, ensuring your content reaches the right audience.

How To Discover Trending And Relevant Hashtags On Twitter?

Utilizing the right strategies can help you identify the hashtags that will amplify your content and connect you with a broader audience. This section delves into these strategies, providing you with the insights needed to navigate the dynamic hashtag landscape successfully.

  1. The Explore tab:

The Explore Tab 

Image credit: X

The Explore tab on Twitter is a great starting point for finding trending hashtags. It showcases real-time trends and popular hashtags tailored to your interests based on your activity on the platform. By regularly checking the Explore tab, you can stay updated with the latest conversations and trending topics relevant to your audience.

  1. Social listening tools:
    • Sprout Social and Brandwatch: These tools offer comprehensive social listening capabilities. They track social media conversations and identify trending hashtags, helping you stay ahead of the curve. You can create custom searches using keywords, phrases, or hashtags relevant to your industry to discover what's currently popular and engaging.
    • Hootsuite Insights: This tool allows you to monitor brand mentions, track competitors, and analyze hashtag performance over time. By understanding which hashtags generate the most engagement, you can refine your strategy and focus on the most effective ones.

  2. Third-Party Hashtag Tools:

Tools like Hashtagify and Keyhole suggest popular and trending hashtags based on your input. They analyze social media platforms to provide insights into the most relevant hashtags for your content. These tools help you find niche-specific hashtags that can boost your visibility.  

Tools like Blaze can complement these efforts by providing insights from community data to fine-tune your hashtag strategy.

Tips on Making the Most Out of Trending Hashtags for Growth

Trending hashtags are powerful tools for increasing your visibility and engagement on Twitter. By strategically using trending hashtags, you can tap into active conversations, reach a broader audience, and enhance your brand’s presence. This section offers practical tips on how to effectively use trending hashtags to drive growth and connect with your audience in meaningful ways.

  1. Timely participation:

Engaging with trending hashtags while they are still relevant is crucial. Timing is everything, as joining the conversation too late can diminish the potential impact. Use trending hashtags, such as #socialmedia or #technology in your posts as soon as they start gaining traction to maximize visibility and engagement.

  1. Creative integration:

Simply using trending hashtags is not enough; you need to integrate them into your content creatively. Find unique angles or stories that align with the trend while staying true to your brand voice. For example, brands like Oreo and Netflix have successfully used trending memes to create engaging content that resonates with their audience.

Netflix meme marketing 

Image credit: Sociallyin

  1. Monitor and analyze:

Regularly monitor the performance of your hashtags using analytics tools. Track metrics such as reach, engagement, and interactions to determine which hashtags are driving the most traffic and conversions. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to continually improve your social media performance.

  1. Engage with the community:

Actively engage with users who are using the same hashtags. Reply to their tweets, retweet their content, and join the conversation. This not only increases your visibility but also fosters a sense of community and connection with your audience.

Guidelines for Effective Hashtag Use on Twitter in 2024

Using hashtags effectively on Twitter can significantly enhance your visibility and engagement. Here are some key guidelines to ensure your hashtag strategy is optimized for 2024:

  1. Keep hashtags relevant and specific:
    • Relevance: Ensure your hashtags are directly related to the content you are sharing. Using irrelevant hashtags may confuse your audience and lead to lower engagement. For example, if you are tweeting about a tech conference, use specific hashtags like #Tech2024 or #InnovateTech rather than broad, unrelated ones​.

    • Specificity: Target niche hashtags that cater to your specific audience. Broad hashtags can get lost in a sea of tweets, whereas more specific ones can help you reach a dedicated and interested audience​.

  2. Limit the number of hashtags:
    • Optimal count: Twitter recommends using no more than 1-2 hashtags per tweet to keep your content clean and readable. Overloading a tweet with hashtags can make it look spammy and reduce its effectiveness​.

    • Avoid overuse: Excessive hashtags can detract from your message and irritate your followers. Focus on quality over quantity.

  3. Use trending and popular hashtags wisely:
    • Trend relevance: Only use trending hashtags if they are relevant to your content. Jumping on a trend with context can help your credibility.

    • Timely participation: Engage with trending hashtags quickly while they are still relevant to maximize visibility and engagement..

  4. Create branded hashtags:
    • Brand identity: Develop unique hashtags that represent your brand or campaign. Branded hashtags help in building a community around your brand and encourage user-generated content.

    • Consistency: Use your branded hashtags consistently across all your tweets to build recognition and loyalty.

  5. Monitor hashtag performance:
    • Analytics tools: Utilize Twitter's analytics and third-party tools like Sprout Social or Hootsuite to track the performance of your hashtags. Analyzing metrics such as reach, engagement, and impressions will help you refine your strategy.

    • Adjust strategy: Based on the performance data, adjust your hashtag strategy to focus on those that drive the most engagement and reach.

  6. Combine hashtags with engaging content:
    • Multimedia integration: Pair your hashtags with engaging content such as images, videos, and GIFs. Visual content attracts more attention and can enhance the effectiveness of your hashtags.

    • Compelling copy: Ensure your tweet copy is compelling and adds value. Hashtags are tools to boost visibility, but the content itself must be engaging to retain audience interest.

  7. Avoid overused and banned hashtags:
    • Check Popularity: Research hashtags to avoid those that are overused and likely to make your tweet get lost in the noise​.

    • Compliance: Be aware of any hashtags that Twitter has banned or flagged as spammy. Using these can negatively impact your account's visibility.

By following these guidelines, you can enhance the effectiveness of your hashtags on Twitter, ensuring that your content reaches and engages the right audience. 

Are you wondering what niche and broad hashtags you should focus on? We've got some stellar examples.

Popular Niche Hashtags Across Various Industries

Leveraging niche hashtags can significantly enhance your social media strategy by targeting specific audiences and driving engagement. Here are a few niche hashtags categorized by various industries to help you get started:

Category Niche Hashtags
Technology #TechInnovation, #AITrends, #IoTWorld, #CyberSecurity, #BlockchainRevolution, #ARVR, #BigDataAnalytics, #FintechFuture, #5GNetwork
Health and Wellness #WellnessJourney, #HolisticHealth, #MentalHealthMatters, #FitnessGoals, #NutritionTips, #YogaDaily, #MindfulnessMonday, #HealthTech, #PlantBasedLiving
Education #EdTech, #STEMEducation, #Elearn, #TeacherLife, #EducationReform, #ClassroomTech, #SpecialEducation, #HigherEd, #StudentSuccess
Fashion #SustainableFashion, #OOTD, #StreetStyle, #FashionInspo, #RunwayReady, #Menswear, #FashionBlogger, #VintageStyle, #EcoFashion
Food and Beverage #FoodieLife, #PlantBased, #CraftBeer, #WineLovers, #BakingLove, #HealthyEating, #FoodPhotography, #CoffeeCulture, #HomeCooking
Travel #TravelDiaries, #Wanderlust, #SoloTravel, #TravelPhotography, #AdventureAwaits, #LuxuryTravel, #BackpackingLife, #CityBreak, #CulturalTravel
Finance #InvestingTips, #PersonalFinance, #CryptoCommunity, #FinancialFreedom, #WealthManagement, #StockMarketNews, #EconomyWatch, #FintechInnovations, #RetirementPlanning
Real Estate #HomeBuying, #RealEstateInvesting, #PropertyManagement, #LuxuryRealEstate, #FirstTimeHomebuyer, #CommercialRealEstate, #RealtorLife, #MarketTrends, #SmartHome
Entertainment #MovieReview, #IndieMusic, #GamingCommunity, #BookLovers, #TVSeries, #MusicFestival, #PopCulture, #FilmPhotography, #StreamingNow, #FanArt

Additionally, Blaze's database of 95 million+ crypto users and companies can help you find and target niche-specific hashtags relevant to your industry.

Importance of balancing broad and niche hashtags for targeted engagement

Balancing broad and niche hashtags is crucial for optimizing your social media reach and engagement. Here's why:

Broad hashtags

  1. Wide reach: Broad hashtags, like #technology or #health, attract a large audience and increase the visibility of your posts to a diverse group of users.
  2. Brand awareness: Using popular hashtags can boost brand awareness as they appear in more searches and have a higher chance of being seen by a larger audience.
  3. Trending topics: Broad hashtags often align with trending topics, which can help your content gain more traction during peak interest periods.

Niche hashtags

  1. Targeted audience: Niche hashtags, such as #AITrends or #PlantBasedLiving, attract users who are specifically interested in those topics. This targeted approach ensures that your content reaches an audience that is more likely to engage with it.
  2. Higher engagement: Posts with niche hashtags tend to have higher engagement rates as they connect with a community that shares specific interests.
  3. Reduced competition: Niche hashtags typically have less competition compared to broad hashtags, increasing the likelihood that your post will stand out and be discovered by the right audience. 
  4. Strategy: Combine both broad and niche hashtags in your tweets to maximize reach and engagement. For instance, pair #TechInnovation (broad) with #IoTWorld (niche) in a tech-related tweet.

Twitter Hashtag Strategy for 2024

Effectively utilizing hashtags on Twitter can amplify your reach, engage your audience, and enhance your brand's visibility. Here's a comprehensive dos and don'ts strategy for making the most of hashtags on Twitter: 


1. Research and identify relevant hashtags

  • Regularly check Twitter's Explore tab to discover trending hashtags relevant to your niche. This helps you stay updated with the latest conversations and align your content with current trends​​.
  • Use industry-specific hashtags that resonate with your target audience. Tools like Hashtagify and Keyhole can help identify popular hashtags within your industry​.

2. Engage with hashtags

  • Actively participate in conversations around trending and relevant hashtags. Engaging with others by replying, retweeting, and liking posts helps increase your visibility and build relationships within the community​​.
  • Encourage your audience to use your branded hashtags and interact with those who do. Acknowledge their contributions to foster a sense of community and increase engagement.

3. Use hashtags sparingly and effectively

  • Many social media experts recommend using at most 1-2 hashtags per tweet to keep your content clean and readable. 
  • Ensure that the hashtags you use are contextually relevant to the content of your tweet. Irrelevant hashtags can confuse your audience and reduce engagement​​.

4. Leverage multimedia content

  • Pair your hashtags with engaging multimedia content like images, videos, and GIFs. Visual content tends to attract more attention and can enhance the effectiveness of your hashtags​​.
  • Ensure your tweet copy is compelling and adds value. Hashtags are tools to boost visibility, but the content itself must be engaging to retain audience interest.


Don'ts Description
Overusing Hashtags Avoid using too many hashtags in a single tweet as it can appear spammy and cluttered. Stick to 1-2 hashtags per tweet for optimal engagement.
Using Irrelevant Hashtags Ensure the hashtags you use are relevant to the content of your tweet. Irrelevant hashtags can confuse your audience and reduce engagement.
Using Hashtags with Low Engagement Avoid using hashtags that have little to no engagement. They will not help in increasing your reach or engagement.
Ignoring Trending Hashtags Don't ignore trending hashtags that are relevant to your brand. Participating in trends can increase your visibility and engagement.
Not Engaging with Hashtag Users Avoid using hashtags without engaging with others who use them. Engagement is key to building relationships and increasing visibility.
Using Long and Complex Hashtags Avoid using lengthy and complicated hashtags that are hard to read or remember. Keep hashtags short and easy to understand.

Evolving Landscape of Hashtags on Twitter 

In 2024, Twitter hashtags are more dynamic than ever, playing a crucial role in how content is discovered and engaged with. Initially, hashtags were simple tools for categorizing tweets, but they have evolved into strategic elements for campaigns and branding. 

Want to dive deeper? Let's explore how hashtags make your tweets pop beyond just visibility.

Role of hashtags in visibility

Hashtags significantly expand the reach of tweets, allowing them to be seen by users beyond one's followers. This is especially useful during events where event-specific hashtags enhance participation and visibility. A well-crafted hashtag can even go viral, appearing in Twitter's trending list and attracting global attention, opening up new avenues for growth and visibility.

Role of hashtags in engagement

In terms of engagement, hashtags are powerful conversation starters. They encourage replies, retweets, and quotes, fostering a ripple effect of interaction. Hashtags also build communities by connecting users with shared interests, driving ongoing discussions and engagement.


Thus, we can say that hashtags on Twitter are an essential aspect for improving visibility and increasing engagement. From their origins as simple metadata tags to their current role as powerful strategic elements, hashtags have revolutionized how we interact with content on social media. By understanding the nuances of hashtag usage, such as balancing broad and niche hashtags, engaging with relevant trends, and creating branded hashtags, individuals and businesses can significantly amplify their reach and influence. 

Using a platform like Blaze can streamline this process, providing you with the tools and insights needed to optimize your social media strategy in the tokenized world. 

Sign up for a free demo today and experience the benefits and ease of using Blaze on your own.  


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