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Jun 8, 2023

Top NFT Twitter Accounts

Twitter is one of the best places to learn about NFTs. Here are the accounts to follow.

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What Are the Top NFT Twitter Accounts?


As a marketing head, growth lead, or community manager, you must already know about the importance of NFTs. They are changing the way people buy and sell digital content.


These non-fungible tokens are unique digital assets stored on a blockchain. NFTs are being created by a wide range of industries and individuals.

These range from artists and musicians to sports teams and gaming companies. Some famous examples:


  • Artists who have created and sold NFTs include Beeple, Trevor Jones, and Krista Kim.
  • Kings of Leon released their latest album as an NFT. Fans got to purchase limited-edition digital copies.
  • Basketball fans can buy and trade limited-edition digital collectables featuring highlights from NBA games.
  • In Axie Infinity, a blockchain-based game, players can buy, sell, and trade unique digital creatures called Axies.
  • Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet as an NFT for over USD 2.9 million.

NFTs offer opportunities for digital marketers to create unique digital experiences, monetize content and drive engagement. How do you keep up with the NFT world and discover news and opportunities?

One way is by following Twitter handles. Here are some leading Twitter NFT accounts to take note of.

These accounts can be grouped into organizations and marketplaces; individuals; and influencers.


Organizations and Marketplaces


NFT Lately

This is the Twitter account of a popular NFT organization. It will keep you up to date with news, new releases, reviews and more. Recent tweets include polls on favourite NFTs, how AI is changing NFTS, and new NFT games.


OpenSea is a large NFT marketplace. Their Twitter feed will tell you all about new NFT art collections from all over the world, themed NFT collections, the latest games and in-person events.



NFTGo intends to be a leading data intelligence provider. Their tweets are valuable for those involved in trading and otherwise dealing with NFTs. They cover leading NFT events and launches, innovations, ways to compare NFTs, and recent NFT trades.


World of Women 

This is an organization whose mission is to build an inclusive web3 through its NFT collection and community. They aim to create opportunities for anyone around the world to be digital owners, creators and contributors. They tweet about new art projects, events, and learning opportunities.


Rarible is a community-oriented NFT marketplace. It lets digital artists and creators directly issue and sell custom crypto assets through an Ethereum network. Their tweets contain information that lets followers discover, sell and buy NFTs.




OK Hotshot

This is the feed of an on-chain analyst. His tweets will let you know about new NFTs, NFTs in the news, opportunities, and analysis. He also focuses on important information relating to NFT security and data breaches.

Andrew Wang

Wang is an NFT promoter who has been featured in publications such as the Washington Post, Time Magazine, and Insider. He tweets about information that helps to learn about the nuances of NFT buying and trading. Many of his followers get first-hand access to insights about various upcoming projects.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk is another prominent name in the world of NFTs. He has earlier created an immensely successful collection. His tweets explain NFT fundamentals, give details of new projects and provide overall insights for those looking to purchase NFTs.





Zeneca is one of the leading NFT influencers. He examines the use cases and ecosystem around NFTs. He also aims to bust myths and prevent the spread of misinformation. He also hosts regular Twitter Spaces featuring experts on NFTs, Web3 and crypto.

Kevin Rose

Kevin Rose is another prominent figure in the NFT space. He is the founder of the hugely popular Moonbirds NFT project and has launched other wellness apps. He tweets about new opportunities and discoveries in art and the changes that AI will bring about.


If you’ve been following NFTs, you’ve probably heard of Beeple. He is a prominent NFT creator, with artwork selling for millions of dollars. His Twitter account is full of details about his current and forthcoming projects. He also posts general opinions about the work of others and events in the NFT space.

Cozomo de’ Medici

This is the Twitter handle of an anonymous patron of the digital arts. The rapper Snoop Dogg has claimed that he is the person behind the account. The tweets are about new NFT art projects, collaborations, and investment decisions.


Wrapping Up

At Blaze, we help enterprises excel in the new world of NFTs, crypto and Web3. We provide analytics to increase growth and product strategies for engagement and retention. To know more, register with Blaze at https://dashboard.withblaze.app/signup



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