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Aug 1, 2023

Leveraging AI for Customer Segmentation: Targeting with Precision

Explore best practices and top tools that are leveraging AI for customer precision.

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Leveraging AI for customer segmentation. Image Credits: Adobe Stock

Customer segmentation is a potent strategy for categorizing customers based on shared characteristics, interests, and behaviors, leading to personalized marketing and improved customer satisfaction. The emergence of AI technologies has revolutionized industries, providing advanced data analysis tools that offer valuable insights for informed decision-making.

This blog explores the significance of leveraging AI for customer segmentation in marketing strategies. It also explores the importance, roles, and best practices for using AI in customer segmentation to achieve precision targeting.

What is Customer Segmentation?

Customer segmentation involves dividing customers into different groups based on common attributes.

Traditional customer segmentation methods often involve broad categorization by age, gender, interests, income, and location. They may also distinguish between first-time and repeat customers, but the segmentation level typically needs improvement.

To achieve more advanced segmentation with AI tools, organizations must ensure they have access to relevant data and can seamlessly integrate data from diverse sources. Scaling on demand is essential to provide targeted recommendations, and leveraging machine and deep learning techniques help improve segmentation accuracy.

Why is Customer Segmentation Important?

Customer segmentation holds significant importance for organizations due to various reasons.

Firstly, it enables businesses to engage in targeted marketing, tailoring promotional materials and campaigns to meet different customer segments' unique requirements and preferences. This leads to higher conversion rates, increased consumer engagement, and improved brand loyalty.

Secondly, understanding the distinct traits and behaviors of various segments allows for personalized experiences. Organizations can enhance customer satisfaction and foster stronger brand loyalty by customising services, content, and interactions.

Thirdly, customer segmentation provides valuable insights for product development, helping companies create goods and services that better meet the needs of their target market. By recognizing specific segment preferences and pain points, businesses can focus on developing cutting-edge products that appeal to their intended consumers.

Furthermore, optimized pricing strategies and customized retention tactics can optimize revenue and retain customers.

Overall, successful customer segmentation provides a competitive edge through distinctive value propositions and targeted marketing, leading to increased consumer loyalty and a strong brand position in the market.

The Role of AI in Customer Segmentation

AI technologies are transforming customer segmentation through advanced algorithms and data analysis. These technologies enable businesses to process large volumes of data in real time, discover hidden patterns, and make accurate forecasts.

AI plays various roles in customer segmentation:

  1. Improved Accuracy: AI algorithms can identify complex patterns in detailed data, leading to more specific and focused customer segments, enabling highly targeted marketing campaigns and personalized experiences.
  2. Real-Time Insights: AI provides real-time insights into customer preferences and behaviors, allowing businesses to respond quickly to changing trends and make data-driven decisions.
  3. Scalability: AI technologies can handle vast and diverse datasets effectively, enabling companies to scale their customer segmentation efforts as their customer base grows.

Best Practices for Implementing AI in Customer Segmentation

Businesses must plan and execute the implementation carefully to make customer segmentation more precise and dynamic using AI and data analytics. The following steps can guide the process:

  1. Segmentation Approach: Select the segmentation method that aligns with your company's goals and target market characteristics. Options include demographic, behavioral, psychographic, and predictive segmentation.
  2. Selecting Parameters: Choose relevant and informative parameters or attributes to incorporate into the AI models, such as past purchases, browsing habits, demographics, social media usage, and customer interactions.
  3. Model Training and Analysis: Divide the dataset into training and testing sets for model training and evaluation. Develop AI models using the training data and fine-tune the parameters and algorithms for precise segmentation. Validate the models using the testing set and compare their performance against predefined metrics.
  4. Integration and Deployment: Integrate the trained models into your company's business processes or marketing platforms. Ensure seamless data flow between data sources and the AI models. Deploy the models in a production environment and continually monitor their performance.
  5. Ethical Considerations: Ensure responsible data handling and compliance with data protection laws. Protect customer privacy and obtain their consent for data gathering and analysis.

Tools for Customer Segmentation

Here’s a list of some of the customer segmentation tools to help you pick the most suitable:

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful customer segmentation tool provided by Google, collecting data from apps and websites to offer insights on visitor behavior, purchases, location, device usage, and more. The data is processed, aggregated, and organized with controllable privacy settings.

Source: Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics for Customer Segmentation:

  • Access Google Analytics and navigate to 'Reports.'
  • Select the Audience suite and then the Overview tab.
  • Add the segment field at the top of the page.
  • Create a new segment by clicking the option and renaming it.
  • Choose from various segment types, including demographics, traffic source, technology, behavior, etc.
  • Save the file with the desired segments.

2. Blaze

Blaze is an acquisition platform utilizing AI for modern companies and agencies, segmenting users based on social media, community, and on-chain activity. This information aids in creating targeted marketing campaigns, improving customer retention, and making better product decisions.

Source: Blaze

Using Blaze for Customer Segmentation:

  • Set clear expectations and objectives.
  • Identify potential customer segments.
  • Evaluate potential customer segments.
  • Develop a customer segmentation strategy.
  • Continuously launch and measure the results.

3. HubSpot

As a CRM platform, HubSpot unifies brands and customers, offering sales, CMS, service, marketing, and operations software to enhance customer experience management, making it one of the top customer segmentation tools.

Source: Hubspot

Using HubSpot for Customer Segmentation:

  • Choose segmentation criteria like demographics, website engagement, behavior data, etc.
  • Create customer segments based on selected criteria from contacts.
  • Organize the segments in lists and filter customers accordingly.
  • Automate the segmentation process based on behavior using workflows.
  • Use the CRM to deliver personalized content, such as landing pages.
  • Regularly analyze and adjust customer segmentation according to the results.

4. Mixpanel

Mixpanel is a predictive analytics software providing data on digital products and user interaction, useful for analyzing visitors to web and mobile platforms. Mixpanel excels in event-based tracking and offers a user-friendly interface.

Source: Mixpanel

Using Mixpanel for Customer Segmentation:

  • Clarify the segmentation goal to identify the required segments.
  • Collect data from digital platforms using Mixpanel.
  • Choose segments based on products or services for target audience segmentation.
  • Track customer engagement and behavior with specific products using Mixpanel.
  • Curate personalized content and campaigns based on segment analysis.
  • Analyze the impact and progress of segmentation.

5. Klaviyo

Klaviyo is an automation software through a customer data platform (CDP) that aids brands in delivering personalized information through email and SMS. It offers data storage, integration, segmentation, and A/B testing for customer segmentation.

Source: Klaviyo

Using Klaviyo for Customer Segmentation:

  • Understand the purpose of segmentation for business growth and customer segmentation tool usage.
  • Collect data from databases, websites, and analytical reports through the platform.
  • Identify suitable segments for the business.
  • Create customized profiles, tags, and fields to organize the segments.
  • Analyze the interaction between product engagement and segments.
  • Generate campaigns and messages tailored to boost sales based on customer segmentation analysis.
  • Measure the effects and decide on further steps accordingly.

Challenges and Limitations of AI in Customer Segmentation

AI-powered customer segmentation faces various challenges and limitations businesses must consider to utilize this technology effectively.

  • Data bias is a primary challenge, as biased data can lead to unfair categorization of customers. To address this, businesses should diversify data sources and curate data carefully.
  • Lack of transparency in AI algorithms is another concern, and transparent algorithms should be preferred to build trust.
  • The complexity of the real world can impact AI accuracy, necessitating experimentation with different algorithms.
  • Implementation costs and privacy concerns are also significant considerations. Despite these challenges, addressing them responsibly can make AI a powerful tool for improving customer segmentation and achieving marketing goals.
  • Prioritizing customer privacy, understanding biases, using transparent algorithms, and conducting cost-benefit analyses are crucial in leveraging AI for valuable insights and better customer service.

Despite these challenges, AI can be a powerful tool for improving customer segmentation and achieving marketing goals when businesses address challenges responsibly.


AI offers immense potential for customer segmentation, allowing businesses to gain deeper insights into their customers and deliver personalized experiences. Organizations can enhance their marketing strategies and foster stronger customer relationships by addressing the challenges and responsibly implementing AI-powered segmentation.

Ready to embrace the power of AI in customer segmentation and unlock the full potential of your business? Register with Blaze!


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