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Aug 7, 2024

Tagging Companies on LinkedIn: A Simple Guide

Learn how to tag a company on LinkedIn: Start a post, use the @ symbol, type the company's name, and confirm it's correct.

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Are you looking to elevate your LinkedIn presence? Tagging firms on LinkedIn can be a groundbreaker for your profile visibility and engagement. When you tag a firm, you're not just mentioning them; you're improving your brand awareness. Ready to learn how to tag a company on LinkedIn? Let’s dive in!


Source: upload.wikimedia.org

When you tag a firm, you tap into a network of opportunities that can boost your professional profile. Want to stand out? You must know how to tag a company on LinkedIn.

Why Tagging Matters

When you tag firms on LinkedIn, you substantially elevate your profile's visibility and engagement. Every time you tag a firm, you connect with a larger audience, including that firm's followers. This interaction augments your chances of getting observed by potential employers, clients, or industry peers.

Boost Your Engagement

Tagging isn’t just about visibility; it’s about initiating a conversation. When you mention a firm, it shows up in their notifications. This engagement can generate likes, comments, and shares, putting more eyes on your profile.

Build Brand Awareness

By tagging firms, you also help improve their brand awareness. It shows you're knowledgeable and engaged in your industry, making you a valuable connection. Plus, firms admire the shout-outs, which can nurture stronger professional relationships.

Now that we've covered why tagging is so powerful let's get into how you can start tagging companies on LinkedIn in just five simple steps.

Ready to make an impact? Start tagging and watch your LinkedIn presence ascend!

For more insights into mastering your social media strategy, check out our detailed guide on Understanding How the LinkedIn Algorithm Works in 2024.

Steps to Tagging Companies on LinkedIn

Steps to Tagging Companies on LinkedIn
Source: octopuscrm.io

Ready to clear your doubts regarding how to tag a company on LinkedIn? Here's how you do it in five easy steps:

  1. Go to the LinkedIn Post or Create a New One. Begin by going through to the post you want to edit or click to create a fresh one.
Go to the LinkedIn Post or Create a New One
Source: i.insider.com

Illustration of Creating a LinkedIn Post

  1. Write your Post and Add any Media Content. Create your message and include any photos, videos, or links you want to share.
  2. Use the @ Symbol and Type the Company’s Name. Commence typing the firm’s name after the @ symbol. LinkedIn will recommend firms as you type.
Use the @ Symbol and Type the Company’s Name
Source: media.licdn.com

Tagging a company on LinkedIn Post

  1. Confirm the Company’s Name is Correct and Bolded. Double-check that the firm’s name is bolded and precise in the drop-down list, then select it.
Confirm the Company’s Name is Correct and Bolded
Source: media.licdn.com

Bold text on Tagged Company

  1. Click 'Post' to Publish the Content. Once everything looks good, hit 'Post' to share your tagged content with your network.
Click 'Post' to Publish the Content
Post Option on LinkedIn

Tagging firms on LinkedIn greatly elevates engagement and visibility. Try it out and see the difference!

Looking to improve your professional presence? Check out our detailed Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a LinkedIn Content Strategy to master the art of engaging your audience on LinkedIn. 

Benefits of Tagging Companies on LinkedIn

Benefits of Tagging Companies on LinkedIn
Source: manychat.com

Tagging firms on LinkedIn isn't just a small action—it's a robust tool that can reinforce your presence and connections. Here’s why you should make it a frequent practice:

Increased Visibility and Discoverability

Tagging a firm in your posts promptly elevates your visibility. Your post not only reaches your network but also becomes perceptible to the firm's followers. This simple action can place your content in front of a much larger audience. Envision the potential of your posts getting seen by thousands more people who are already intrigued by what the tagged firm offers. That's a huge win for your visibility!

Enhanced Engagement and Connections

Tagging firms can start more interactions. It invites comments, likes, and shares from the company's followers and employees, who might not have seen your post otherwise. This engagement means more than numbers—it means meaningful connections. These interactions can lead to new venture opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations. The more you engage with others in your industry, the stronger and more valuable your professional network becomes.

Boosts Professional Credibility and Reputation

Tagging honorable firms connects you with their brand and integrity.This can substantially improve your professional notoriety. It shows that you are engaged and connected with industry leaders and well-known entities. People begin seeing you as a dominion in your field, which can lead to more trust and respect from your peers and probable clients. It's a subtle yet efficient way to build your professional brand.

Tagging companies on LinkedIn is more than just a digital shout-out. It’s a planned move to increase your visibility, improve engagement, and elevate your integrity. 

Looking for the best tool to improve your LinkedIn strategy? Dive into our guide on Choosing between LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Recruiter to find out which suits your needs best.

Now that you know why it's beneficial, let's dive into some essential tips for tagging companies effectively.

Essential Tips for Tagging Brands on LinkedIn

Essential Tips for Tagging Brands on LinkedIn
Source: viralspy.io

Tagging a company on LinkedIn can elevate your post's visibility and engagement, but doing it right is critical. Here are some significant contemplations to keep in mind:

Ensure the Company Has Tagging Enabled

First things first, you need to check if the firm you're tagging has tagging enabled on their LinkedIn page. Some firms might have this attribute turned off. A rapid visit to their LinkedIn profile will let you know if you can proceed.

Verify the Correct Company Name

Next, you want to make sure you're tagging the correct firm. Many firms have similar names, and tagging the wrong one can lead to perplexity. Always double-check the company’s LinkedIn profile to ensure you’re tagging the right organization. This step avoids potential misunderstandings and ensures your post reaches the deliberated audience.

Tag Only When Relevant

Eventually, make sure your tagging is pertinent to your content. Over-tagging or tagging firms without a justifiable reason can come off as spammy and might persecute your connections and the firms themselves. Use tags thriftly and only when it adds authentic value to your post.

Follow these steps to make the most of tagging companies on LinkedIn without jeopardizing your professional reputation.

Tagging Companies on LinkedIn Mobile App

Tagging Companies on LinkedIn Mobile App
Source: tbdmarketing.co.uk

Now that you know how to tag a company on LinkedIn on the web, you might want to know the way of tagging companies on the LinkedIn Mobile App, right? Here’s a swift way of tagging firms on LinkedIn Mobile App:

  1. Open the LinkedIn Mobile App and Head to Your Homepage
    First, open the LinkedIn mobile app on your phone. Once it’s open, go through to your homepage. This is where the magic happens!
Open the LinkedIn Mobile App and Head to Your Homepage
Source: venturebeat.com

LinkedIn Mobile App Homepage Interface

  1. Craft Your Engaging Post and Use the @ Symbol
    Now, begin creating your post. To tag a firm, type the @ symbol followed by the firm name. LinkedIn will recommend firms as you type, making it easy to choose the right one.
Craft Your Engaging Post and Use the @ Symbol

Tagging a firm on LinkedIn Mobile App 

  1. Double-Check Your Tags and Hit 'Post'
    Before you post, double-check that you've tagged the correct firms. Once everything looks good, click 'Post'. Congratulations, you’ve just tagged a firm on LinkedIn!

So, that’s how to tag a firm on LinkedIn. By following these steps, you can efficiently tag firms on LinkedIn.

Looking to boost your LinkedIn game? Check out our Advanced Strategies for B2B Marketing on LinkedIn to drive more leads and engagement!

Tips and Tricks for Effective Tagging

Tips and Tricks for Effective Tagging
Source: media.licdn.com

Now that you know how to tag a company on LinkedIn, let’s move on to the tips and tricks for effective tagging:

Edit Old Posts to Include Tags

Did you know you can breathe new life into your old posts by editing them to include tags? Go back to your high-performing posts and tag pertinent firms. This not only elevates visibility but also brings your content to the attention of firms you want to engage with. This trick is simple yet highly efficient!

Ensure Content Relevance

When tagging a firm, make sure your content is pertinent to them. Think about their industry, recent accomplishments, or ongoing projects. Pertinence is key to making your tag valuable. When your content aligns with their intrigues or activities, they’re more likely to engage with your post.

Respond to Engagement Promptly

Once you've tagged a firm, keep an eye out for any engagement. If they comment, like, or share your post, respond immediately. This shows you're active and intrigued in building a relationship. Quickly responding can lead to more meaningful interactions and possibly open doors for future partnerships.

Use Tags to Highlight Achievements

Use tags to exhibit your accomplishments and partnerships. If you've worked with a firm or used their product to achieve something important, tag them in your post. This not only addresses their role but also emphasizes your relationship and success.

Ready to improve your LinkedIn game? Start tagging deliberately and watch your engagement soar. Happy tagging!

Discover more ways to improve your online presence by checking out our thorough guide on LinkedIn Marketing: Boost Your Strategy with Tips.


Tagging companies on LinkedIn is a robust way to improve your professional visibility and engagement. By following the steps and tips mentioned in this guide, you can make the most of this attribute. Remember, tagging wisely can lead to meaningful interactions and a stronger professional network. Start tagging today and watch your LinkedIn presence grow!

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