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Jul 13, 2023

How to pin a message or channel in Discord

Pinned messages on Discord are convenient, and a way to highlight important information. Here's how to do it.

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Marketers use many tactics to attract users to their servers and boost engagement. One way to ensure that important and popular messages get noticed is to pin them. With pinned messages, information stands out amidst the clutter.

A pinned message is convenient. It lets users quickly locate important information such as channel rules. It is also a way to highlight messages that have gained traction.

On Discord servers, channels are places where users interact through voice, text, or video. A pinned channel stays visible. It helps users because they do not have to scroll to reach it.

How to Pin Messages on Discord

On Discord, server administrators, moderators, and users with permission are allowed to pin messages sent in a server channel.

It is easy to pin messages. Here are the steps to take.

Pinning Messages on the Desktop App

  • Move your cursor over a line of text in the channel. On the right-hand side, the ‚More button should appear.
  • Now, click the ‚Pin Message‚ option. You will get a confirmation prompt. Confirm by clicking the button that says: ‚"Oh Yeah, Pin It."
  • Thats it. You're set. To view pinned messages, click on the thumbtack icon on the top right. Click on ‚ÄúJump‚Äù to go directly to a specific message. To remove a pinned message, you have to click the cross icon and select ‚Yeah, remove it please.

Pinning Messages on the Mobile App

  • Hold your fingertip down on the specific message. The options menu will appear.
  • Tap on ‚Pin Message.
  • Tap ‚Yes‚ on the approval message.
  • To see pinned messages, swipe right and select the Pins option.
  • Press down on the Pins option to pin it.

How to Pin Channels on Discord

On Discord, channels cannot be pinned in the same way as messages are. However, many people reorder channels so that the favorites are always on the top. This is an effective way of pinning channels.

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  • To do this, visit the settings menu of the Discord mobile app.
  • Tap on ‚Channels
  • Now, tap on the top right to enable moving the channels up or down to create the desired order.
  • Finally, click on ‚Done

The process is similar to the Discord desktop app. Here, you will have to drag and drop the channels to the order you like.

You can also try bots such as Pinbot, which allows server members to pin Discord server messages to a dedicated channel. This channel can contain important information, trending posts, or anything else that is significant.

At Blaze, we are dedicated to helping marketers make the most of the potential of Web3 communities. For more tips and techniques, sign-up with Blaze today.

Also read, How to log in to Discord?


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