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Aug 5, 2024

Strategies to Find Viral Content Patterns in LinkedIn Posts

Discover how to find viral posts on LinkedIn and learn to spot popular content topics such as career advice and success stories.

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Ever wonder how some LinkedIn posts gain thousands of likes, shares, and comments while others barely get observed? Identifying viral content patterns is important for maximizing your reach and engagement on this professional platform. LinkedIn isn't just for job hunting; it's a robust tool for sharing ideas, building a brand, and connecting with professionals. 

This article will guide you on how to find viral posts on LinkedIn and the strategies to create content that reverberates widely.


Source: cdn.prod.website-files.com

Identifying the patterns of viral content is necessary for anyone looking to make a crucial impact on this professional networking platform. Let's dive into why it's integral to comprehend these patterns and how LinkedIn serves as a robust medium for content virality.

Alright, now that we've set the stage, let's jump into why understanding these viral patterns is your ticket to LinkedIn success.

Recognizing Viral Content Patterns' Importance

Knowing the attributes of viral posts helps you generate content that reverberates with a wider audience. Viral content tends to share common hallmarks, such as emotional appeal, pertinence, and timing. By recognizing these patterns, you can customize your posts to augment engagement and visibility. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t, saving you time and effort in your content creation process.

LinkedIn: Boosting Professional Content Virality

LinkedIn is more than just a networking site; it's a hub for professional growth and thought leadership. Posts on LinkedIn have the potential to reach an enormous and diverse audience, from industry specialists to potential clients. Comprehending LinkedIn's algorithm and the types of content that perform well can help you use the platform efficiently. By upgrading your posts for LinkedIn, you tap into a network that values educational, insightful, and impactful content.

Moving forward, let’s explore the specific topics that are sure to make your content stand out.

Check out the latest insights in our thorough blog on Understanding How the LinkedIn Algorithm Works in 2024 to upgrade your LinkedIn strategy efficiently.

Viral Content Topics on LinkedIn

Viral Content Topics on LinkedIn
Source: media.licdn.com

Discovering viral posts on LinkedIn can be a groundbreaker for elevating your engagement and visibility. The secret lies in choosing the right topics that reverberate with your audience. Here are 8 surefire topics to explore:

Career Advice Topics


Career Advice Topics
Source: in.linkedin.com

Illustration of Improving Resume Tips to Get a Job 

Ever wonder why some career advice gets thousands of likes? Share applicable career tips that address common challenges. Provide tips on job searching, interviewing, and career growth. Make it relatable by using personal anecdotes or insights. 

Candidate Experience Topics

Candidate Experience Topics
Source: linkedin.com

Illustration of Boosting Candidate Experience via Blogs

Inquisitive about what makes a candidate's experience unforgettable? Discuss the significance of a positive candidate experience. Emphasize best practices in recruitment and onboarding. Use real-life examples to illustrate your points.

Content Creation Topics

Content Creation Topics
Source: linkedin.com

Exhibiting Tips for Engaging LinkedIn Posts

Do you wish that your LinkedIn post goes viral? Here's the secret ingredient! Share tips and plans for creating appealing content. Discuss the significance of storytelling, visuals, and consistency. Provide practical advice that others can easily implement.

Success Stories

Success Stories
Source: linkedin.com

Showcasing a Success Story of Johnson on LinkedIn

Do you love to hear a success story? Well, who doesn’t? Share fascinating success stories that emphasize tenacity and accomplishment. Whether it’s a personal narrative or someone else’s, concentrate on the expedition and the lessons learned.

Side Hustles

Side Hustles
Source: linkedin.com

A blog on lucrative side hustles from home to try

Are you planning to begin a side hustle? You're not alone! Discuss the thriving trend of side hustles and advice on balancing them with a full-time job. Share success stories and applicable tips for getting started.

Next up, let's peek into the world of mindset topics that can truly elevate your LinkedIn game. 

Mindset Topics

Mindset Topics
Source: linkedin.com

Illustration of a LinkedIn Post on Growth Mindset

Ever wonder how top performers think? Explore the power of mindset in accomplishing personal and professional objectives. Discuss topics like growth mindset, persistence, and mental health. Use quotes and anecdotes to make it relatable.

By concentrating on these topics, you can create content that not only reverberates with your LinkedIn audience but also has the potential to go viral. 

To ace your LinkedIn content strategy, check out our detailed Step-By-Step Guide to Creating LinkedIn Content Strategy.

Role of Clarity and Focus

The Role of Clarity and Focus
Source: healthiswealthup.co.uk

When it comes to creating viral posts on LinkedIn, the secret lies in clarity and focus. Let’s break down why these elements are integral to your LinkedIn success.

Importance of Well-Crafted, Coherent Messages

You’ve likely scrolled through LinkedIn and witnessed certain posts that excel. What do they have in common? They are well-crafted and coherent. This means every word has an intention, and the message is clear from commencement to end. A well-crafted message grabs attention and keeps your audience hooked. It’s like a magnet that draws readers in and makes them want to share your content.

Focusing on a Single Topic with a Clear Takeaway

Another key to viral posts is focus. When you hone in on a single topic, your message becomes robust and catchy. Think about it—when you try to cover too many points, your message gets diluted. Instead, choose one topic and stick to it. Ensure there’s a clear takeaway, something your readers can instantly apply or think about. This makes your content not just intriguing but valuable.

You should consider clarity and focus as your best buddies in the hunt for viral LinkedIn posts. By creating coherent messages and concentrating on a single, clear takeaway, you augment your probability of creating content that reverberates and spreads like wildfire. 

Now that we’ve covered clarity and focus let’s switch gears and talk about offering unique perspectives that captivate your audience. 

For an in-depth guide on optimizing your search strategies, check out our article on Performing Boolean Search on LinkedIn: Tips and Examples.

Offering Unique Perspectives

Offering Unique Perspectives
Source: growleads.io

Perspectives play a crucial role in making content viral on LinkedIn. If your posts give a fresh and quirky perspective, then it is likely to go viral. Let’s know in detail:

Fresh Points of View

To locate viral content, begin by identifying posts that already have high engagement. Look for unique perspectives that excel. Viral posts often challenge the status quo or present data in a new light.

For example, you might find a post where someone shares a quirky perspective about the organization they work at and feels happy about the success they are achieving at the organization. These stories and perspectives reverberate because they’re relatable and genuine. Adjacent with compelling data, these posts become even more robust. 

Fresh Points of View
Source: plannthat.com

Illustration of employees' unique perspectives about the organization

Challenge Mainstream Beliefs to Capture Attention

One reliable way to create viral content is by challenging mainstream beliefs. People love to engage with content that makes them think differently. When you see a post questioning prevailing wisdom, it’s likely to gather attention.

Imagine you come across a post claiming that the traditional 9-to-5 workday is outdated and provides statistics on how flexible work hours increase productivity. This kind of content not only grabs attention but also sparks conversation.

So, next time you’re scrolling through LinkedIn, pay attention to the posts that make you stop and think. What makes them eccentric? What data do they present? Use these insights to create your viral-worthy posts.

For pragmatic strategies on improving your professional visibility, check out our article on Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for SEO: Tips and Steps.

Crafting Captivating Opening Lines

Crafting Captivating Opening Lines
Source: media.licdn.com

Discovering viral posts on LinkedIn doesn’t have to be a mystery. Let’s learn some simple strategies to help you reveal the most appealing content and get inspired by it. 

Effective Hooks to Draw Readers In

Effective Hooks to Draw Readers In
Source: framerusercontent.com

Hook #1: Start with a Question: "Ever scrolled through LinkedIn and wondered, 'How did this post get so many likes?' You're not alone!"

Hook #2: Share a Surprising Fact "Did you know that LinkedIn posts with images get 2x more engagement? Imagine what a viral post could do for your profile!"

Hook #3: Use a Bold Statement: "Viral LinkedIn posts aren’t just luck; they're a science. Ready to decode it?"

Examples of Successful Viral Posts

  1. Personal Stories with Impactsome text
    • Instance: "Last year, I lost my job, but today, I'm the CEO of my startup. Here’s how LinkedIn connections helped me turn my life around."
  2. Insightful Industry Analysissome text
    • Instance: "The future of remote work isn’t just about adaptability; it’s about redefining workflow. Here’s why."
  3. Engaging Visual Contentsome text
    • Instance: "Check out this infographic on the top skills employers are looking for in 2024. Are you prepared?"

By using these hooks and drawing inspiration from successful posts, you'll be well on your way to finding and creating viral content on LinkedIn. 

For specialist tips on improving your LinkedIn presence, check out our guide on Using ChatGPT to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile.

Types and Formats of Viral Posts

Types and Formats of Viral Posts
Source: zdblogs.zohowebstatic.com

You might have been thinking about how to find viral posts on LinkedIn. Let’s break it down together. Viral posts are like treasure troves; they can boost your visibility and engagement. But to make a post viral, it’s important to follow its types and formats. Here’s how you can spot and create them.

Preference for Text-Only Posts

Preference for Text-Only Posts
Source: media.licdn.com

Illustration of a Text-Only Post on LinkedIn

Believe it or not, text-only posts often perform immensely well on LinkedIn. They embolden readers to concentrate on the message without aberrations. Create a persuasive story, share an insightful tip, or pose a thought-provoking question. Your audience will appreciate the clarity and frankness.

Ideal Length and Depth for Engaging Content

Ideal Length and Depth for Engaging Content
Source: blog.waalaxy.com

A Motivational Post in Short and Sweet Manner

Short and sweet is the way to go. Intend for around 150-200 words. This length is ideal for delivering your message without losing your audience’s immersion. Make sure your content is appealing and to the point. Share a personal story, an industry insight, or a quick tip that adds value to your readers.

Visually Appealing Formatting

Visually Appealing Formatting
Source: media.licdn.com

Illustration of a Visually Appealing Formatting

Even in text-only posts, formatting matters. Use bold to emphasize key points and italics for attention. Break your text into small, digestible chunks. Lists and bullet points are your friends here; they make your post easy to skim and more visually appealing.

By concentrating on these components, you'll not only comprehend how to find viral posts on LinkedIn but also how to create them. 

With the types and formats nailed down, let’s now streamline the whole content creation process to turbocharge your posting routine. 

For comprehensive guidelines on extracting valuable insights, read our detailed Step-by-Step Guide on How to Scrape Data from LinkedIn.

Streamlining Content Creation

Streamlining Content Creation
Source: media.licdn.com

Ever feel like creating content is a never-ending task? You're not alone. The good news is that streamlining your content creation process can make it a breeze. Let's dive into some pragmatic tools and techniques that will revolutionize how you create and manage your content.

Use AuthoredUp for Post Preview & Formatting

Use AuthoredUp for Post Preview & Formatting
Source: cdn.prod.website-files.com

Interface of the AuthoredUp tool 

What if you have a tool that permits you to retrospect and format your posts smoothly? Enter AuthoredUp. This robust tool lets you see precisely how your post will look before hitting publish. You can format your text, add images, and ensure everything looks ideal. This way, you save time and avoid those last-minute edits. Plus, a well-formatted post catches more eyes, augmenting your chances of going viral.

Organize Your Ideas and Drafts Efficiently

Ever had a dazzling idea only to neglect it later? Systematizing your ideas and drafts is integral. Begin by using a tool like Trello or Evernote. These platforms permit you to shred down ideas as they come and systematize them into boards or notebooks. Create sections for brainstorming, drafts, and final content. This method keeps your thoughts structured and ensures you never lose a great idea again.

By using these tools and techniques, you can sleek your content creation process and elevate your workflow. Remember, the objective is to work smarter, not harder. So, begin incorporating these strategies today and watch your content shine.

For insights into the best tools to upgrade your LinkedIn lead generation, check out our article on Top LinkedIn Automation Tools for Lead Generation in 2024.


To constantly create viral content on LinkedIn, concentrate on delivering quality content that provides authentic value and insights. Comprehend your audience, craft clear and engaging messages, and use tools to sleek your content creation process. By following these strategies, you'll learn how to find viral posts on LinkedIn and elevate your professional presence on the platform.

Ready to revolutionize your LinkedIn game? Book a Demo with Blaze now to explore how our robust tools can help you create compelling, viral-worthy content!


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