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Jun 16, 2024

How the Twitter Recommendation Algorithm Works in 2024

Discover latest changes in Twitter algorithm, honoring user engagement and content diversity for enhanced user experiences.

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Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) is crucial for engagement and brand awareness, shaping how users experience and consume content on the platform. 

The algorithm ensures that only the most relevant tweets are shown to the user. This enhances the user experience by curating personalized timelines. 

 For brands and content creators, understanding the algorithm is essential to optimize visibility and engagement.

In 2024, significant updates to the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) have aimed to improve user satisfaction and inclusivity. 

Changes include a shift towards relevance-based content delivery and promoting tweets from smaller accounts. These advancements leverage real-time features and enhanced user representations, making Twitter a more engaging and dynamic platform. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how the algorithm works, its impact, and strategies to optimize your Twitter presence. But first, let’s dive into what the Twitter (X) Algorithm actually is and how it shapes your timeline.

What is the Twitter (X) Algorithm?

The Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm), often referred to as the Twitter (X) algorithm, is a sophisticated set of rules that rank content on the platform.

It assesses the value of each post using a variety of criteria, ensuring that users see the most relevant and entertaining information. 

This algorithm functions as the central brain of the Twitter experience, controlling what shows on your timeline and how it is displayed.

Okay, now that we understand what the algorithm is, let's split it down into its components and their purposes.

Definition, Purpose, and Components of the Twitter Recommendation Algorithm

The Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) is designed to enhance user engagement by delivering personalized content. It achieves this by combining multiple algorithms that evaluate and rank tweets. 

The algorithm's primary goal is to offer users tweets that are most likely to be of interest to them, hence increasing user satisfaction and engagement on the network.

Key components of the Twitter recommendation algorithm include:

  • Content Curation: Aggregating tweets from various sources, both in-network (from users you follow) and out-of-network (from users you don’t follow but might find interesting).
  • Ranking: Using machine learning models to rank tweets based on predicted user engagement.
  • Filtering: Applying heuristics and filters to refine the content and ensure it meets user preferences and community guidelines.

Factors Influencing Content Ranking

The Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) considers multiple factors when ranking content, including:

  • Location: Tweets are often prioritized based on the user’s geographical location to provide locally relevant content.
  • Virality: Highly engaging and viral tweets are more likely to be shown to a broader audience.
  • Personal Interests: The algorithm analyzes user behavior to tailor content based on individual preferences and interests.
  • Recency: Fresh and timely tweets are given preference to keep the feed up-to-date.
  • Media Presence: Tweets containing media such as images, videos, and GIFs are often ranked higher due to their engaging nature.
  • Sensitivity and Spam Detection: The algorithm employs filters to detect and reduce the visibility of sensitive content and spam, ensuring a safer and more relevant user experience.

Combining Various Algorithms for Optimal Content Delivery

The algorithm is not a single, static entity but rather a dynamic combination of multiple algorithms. 

These algorithms work together to deliver optimal content to each user. By leveraging different models and approaches, Twitter ensures a balanced and engaging feed. Here’s how these algorithms interact:

  • Core Models: These models extract latent information from tweets, users, and engagement data, answering questions about user interactions and content trends.
  • Recommendation Pipeline: This pipeline fetches, ranks, and filters tweets through several stages to create a curated feed. It involves candidate sourcing, scoring, and applying heuristics to refine the final output.
  • Heuristics and Filters: These tools fine-tune content delivery by implementing rules for visibility, author diversity, content balance, and user feedback.

It is now time to understand how these algorithms have shifted over time, especially in 2024. 

How Has the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) Changed in 2024?

The Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) has seen significant changes over the years, continuously evolving to enhance user experience and engagement on the platform. 

One of the most notable changes in recent years is the shift from chronological timelines to relevance-based content delivery. Let's explore how the algorithm has transformed in 2024.

Evolution from Chronological to Relevance-Based Content

In 2017, Twitter implemented the relevance model, replacing the "While You Were Away" function with "In Case You Missed It." 

This change signaled the start of a more personalized Twitter experience, in which posts are displayed depending on their relevance to the user rather than in chronological order. 

This update was intended to keep users engaged by displaying content that was likely to interest them, even if it was not the most recent.

Emphasis on Highlighting Content from Smaller Accounts

A notable recent adjustment to Twitter’s algorithm (now X algorithm) is its greater emphasis on promoting content from smaller accounts. This upgrade attempts to level the playing field, allowing users to discover more diverse voices and opinions on the platform. 

Twitter hopes that by emphasizing tweets from smaller accounts, it may build a more inclusive environment while also giving these users a greater chance to grow their audience and make an impact.

Constant Evolution and User Customization

It's critical to understand that the Twitter algorithm (now called the X algorithm) is constantly evolving. The platform's algorithm is continually updated to better serve its users and react to new trends and behaviors. 

The Twitter timeline now combines algorithmic material with real-time posts, creating a dynamic and interesting user experience.

Users can also change their feed choices to tailor the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) to their taste. This flexibility enables users to strike a balance between viewing the most relevant tweets and staying up to speed on real-time content.

Now that we've covered the basics, let's dive into how these updates have reshaped the way the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) works in 2024.

How the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) Works in 2024

Understanding Twitter’s algorithm (now X algorithm) in 2024 involves delving into the intricacies of 'black box' algorithms and machine learning, which power the platform's content ranking system. 

These sophisticated algorithms determine the value and relevance of tweets, influencing what and how you see them on Twitter.

Introduction to 'Black Box' Algorithms and Machine Learning

At the heart of Twitter's algorithm are 'black box' algorithms, a term that signifies the opaque nature of these systems. These algorithms utilize machine learning, allowing the platform to analyze vast data and improve content recommendations over time. 

Machine learning models are continuously trained to predict user behavior and optimize the content displayed on your timeline, making the system dynamic and efficient.

Source: In-Network and Out-of-Network Content Curation

Twitter curates content from both in-network and out-of-network sources to provide a diverse and engaging feed.

In-network content includes tweets from users you follow, while out-of-network content consists of tweets from accounts you don't follow but might find interesting based on your activity. 

The algorithm balances these sources to ensure you receive a variety of relevant tweets.

Ranking: Personalization Based on User Interaction, Engagement, and Preferences

The personalization aspect of the Twitter recommendation algorithm (now X algorithm) ranks tweets based on user interactions, such as likes, retweets, replies, and viewing time. Analyzing these engagement metrics, the algorithm tailors your feed to match your preferences. This ensures that you see the most relevant tweets, enhancing your overall experience on the platform.

Heuristics, Filters, and Product Features in Content Recommendation

Heuristics and filters play crucial roles in refining content recommendations. Heuristics are rule-based techniques that help in quick decision-making, while filters ensure the content is relevant and appropriate. 

Product features like the 'For You' tab and trending topics further enhance the recommendation system by highlighting popular and relevant content, providing a more personalized Twitter experience.

Mixing and Serving: Strategies for Diverse Content Delivery

Twitter's algorithm (now X algorithm) employs various strategies for mixing and serving content, ensuring a blend of popular tweets, breaking news, and personalized content. 

This diverse content delivery keeps your timeline engaging and informative. Understanding these mixing strategies can help you tailor your tweets to reach a broader audience.

Phew! Twitter really does a lot of work behind the cool interface, but how does these algorithms choose which tweets to show us? Let’s understand. 

How Does Twitter Choose Tweets?

The foundation of Twitter's recommendations lies in core models and features that extract latent information from tweets, users, and engagement data. 

These models answer critical questions such as, "What is the probability you will interact with another user in the future?" and "What are the trending tweets within specific communities?" By answering these questions accurately, Twitter delivers more relevant recommendations.

Candidate Sources

Twitter uses various Candidate Sources to retrieve recent and relevant tweets for each user. The system extracts the best 1500 tweets from a pool of hundreds of millions for every request. These sources include:

  1. In-Network Source: This is the largest candidate source, aiming to deliver relevant, recent tweets from users you follow. It uses a logistic regression model to rank these tweets, with Real Graph playing a significant role by predicting engagement likelihood between users.
  2. Out-of-Network Sources: Finding relevant tweets outside a user's network involves analyzing the engagements of people you follow or those with similar interests. Tools like GraphJet and SimClusters help in identifying relevant out-of-network tweets based on engagement patterns and content similarity.


The ranking process uses a neural network to score each candidate's tweet based on its relevance. 

This network takes into account thousands of features and predicts the likelihood of positive engagement (likes, retweets, replies). The tweets are then ranked according to these scores.

Heuristics, Filters, and Product Features

After ranking, heuristics and filters are applied to ensure a balanced and diverse feed. These include:

  • Visibility Filtering: Removes tweets based on content and user preferences, such as blocking or muting accounts.
  • Author Diversity: Ensures a mix of tweets from different authors.
  • Content Balance: Maintains a fair balance of in-network and out-of-network tweets.
  • Feedback-based Fatigue: Reduces the score of tweets that have received negative feedback.
  • Social Proof: Ensures quality by including tweets with some form of social connection.
  • Conversations and Edited Tweets: Provides context and updates for replies and edited tweets.

Mixing and Serving

The final step involves blending tweets with other content, such as ads, follow recommendations, and onboarding prompts. 

This process, handled by Home Mixer, ensures that the content is ready for display on your device. The entire pipeline runs approximately 5 billion times per day, completing in under 1.5 seconds on average.

By understanding Twitter’s algorithm (now X algorithm) and how it chooses tweets for you, you can better optimize your content to maximize reach and engagement on the platform. 

Whether it's through leveraging in-network sources, focusing on engagement, or understanding the role of heuristics and filters, each element contributes to an enhanced Twitter experience in 2024.

Ever wondered what really makes a tweet stand out in your timeline? Let's break down the key ranking signals that Twitter uses.

Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) Ranking Signals

To make significant strides on Twitter, it’s essential to understand and respect the algorithm's ranking signals. 

These signals determine which tweets appear in users' timelines, and by optimizing for them, you can maximize your tweets' visibility. Here are the key ranking signals used by Twitter’s recommendation algorithm (now X algorithm):

1. Recency

One of the most crucial ranking signals is recency. Twitter prioritizes recent and relevant tweets, ensuring that users see the latest updates and information. To take advantage of this, it's important to tweet at optimal times when your audience is most active. 

This increases the likelihood that your tweet will appear at the top of their timelines, boosting engagement and visibility.

2. Relevance

Relevance is another vital factor in the algorithm. It analyzes a user’s past actions and engagements to display the most pertinent content on their timeline.

The algorithm considers likes, retweets, follows, and other interactions to prioritize tweets that align with the user’s interests. By understanding your audience and creating content that resonates with them, you can enhance your tweet’s relevance and increase its chances of being seen.

3. Diversity

Diversity is a crucial ranking signal that ensures users are exposed to a wide variety of content. The algorithm mixes news, personal opinions, entertainment, and other types of content to present different perspectives and keep the feed engaging. 

By diversifying your tweets and including a range of topics and formats, you can appeal to a broader audience and increase your visibility on the platform.

4. Media Files

To prevent timelines from becoming monotonous with text-only content, Twitter’s algorithm (now X algorithm) favors tweets that include media elements. 

Tweets with videos, images, GIFs, or polls are given a higher priority and are more likely to be promoted. Including visually engaging media in your tweets can significantly enhance their appeal and reach.

 Additionally, ensure your images are properly sized and optimized to prevent cropping and provide an optimal viewing experience.

Have you noticed the platform’s addition of sections like ‘Popular Videos’? This feature is another way Twitter promotes tweets with media files, emphasizing the importance of incorporating media into your content strategy.

Optimizing for the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm)

Understanding these ranking signals and incorporating them into your tweeting strategy can help you make the most of the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm). By focusing on recency, relevance, diversity, and media inclusion, you can optimize your tweets for maximum visibility and engagement. 

Keeping these signals in mind will ensure your content reaches a wider audience and makes a more significant impact on the platform. 

Now that we've broken down the ranking signals, let's get into some actionable strategies to really give your tweets a boost.

Best 10 Strategies to Help You Dominate Twitter’s Recommendation Algorithm

To make a significant impact on Twitter, it's essential to work with the algorithm, not against it. Here are ten tips to help you optimize your tweets for maximum visibility and engagement.

1. Maintain an Active Twitter Presence

Twitter is fast-paced and ever-changing. To stay relevant, you need to be active. Posting at least 1-2 times per day, with a maximum of 3-5 times, is recommended. Multiple tweets in a thread count as one post. 

Staying active keeps your followers engaged and helps you stay in the algorithm’s good graces. Tweeting infrequently makes it unlikely your posts will be featured prominently on the Home Tweets page.

2. Get Verified

Verification on Twitter now comes with a subscription to Twitter Blue. For a monthly fee, you gain a blue checkmark and benefits like editing tweets and posting longer videos. 

Verified users are prioritized in replies, mentions, and searches. This can significantly boost your visibility and engagement.

3. Tweet at the Right Time

Timing is crucial on Twitter. Although the Home Tweets algorithm promotes relevant content long after it’s posted, tweeting at optimal times can increase your chances of going viral.

Different platforms suggest different times to post on Twitter. For instance: 

  • Buffer analyzed 1 million tweets and concluded 11 AM on Mondays and Fridays as the best time to post. 
  • 9 AM and 4 PM on Thursdays and Fridays is what SocialBee considers the best time to tweet. 
  • SocialPilot states that in order to maximize your engagement, posting between 8 AM to 10 AM in the mornings and 6 PM-9 PM in the evenings is the best time. 

We would suggest you to not go by numbers, and experiment by retweeting your best content at different times to find your optimal posting schedule.

4. Use Tags Purposefully

Hashtags and user tags are powerful tools for increasing reach. While hashtags might seem outdated, they can still boost engagement, especially branded ones. 

Tagging other users encourages them to engage with your tweet. However, avoid spamming, as the algorithm penalizes it.

5. Use Photos, Videos, GIFs

Tweets with media elements like photos, videos, and GIFs tend to get more attention and engagement. Twitter allows up to four media items per tweet, so mix and match to create visually appealing posts. 

Adding captions to videos can increase view time by  28%, and using alt text ensures accessibility for all users.

6. Encourage Followers to Engage

Engagement is key on Twitter. Ask open-ended questions, invite followers to share photos or videos, or start a light-hearted debate. 

An engaging question can encourage quote-tweets and increase your reach. Don’t be afraid to engage with your followers directly to boost interaction.

7. Try a Twitter Poll

Polls are an effective way to solicit engagement. They can be used for on-brand surveys or just for fun. Controversial questions often generate more interest and can lead to higher engagement as users feel compelled to participate and share.

8. Join Relevant Trends and Topics

Engage with trends and topics relevant to your brand. Use Twitter’s marketing calendar and the Trending tab on the Explore page to stay updated. However, avoid jumping on every trend; focus on those that align with your brand and audience.

9. Repackage Top Content

Not all followers will see your tweet the first time you post it. Repackage and re-share high-performing content to keep it in circulation. 

Self-retweeting, rewording, or approaching the content from different angles can keep your tweets relevant. This also helps you A/B test to see what resonates most with your audience.

10. Apply Insights from Analytics

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to beating the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm). Use Twitter Analytics to track what works and what doesn’t. Continuously test and refine your strategy based on these insights. 

For a deeper understanding and more advanced analytics, consider using Blaze. Blaze can help you track performance, understand your audience, and optimize your strategy for better engagement. Sign Up now to elevate your Twitter game.

By following these tips, you can work with the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) to maximize your visibility and engagement on the platform. Keep experimenting, stay active, and make the most of the tools and insights available to you.

And there you have it—now that you're equipped with the best strategies, let's dive into how the Twitter algorithm impacts your experience on the platform.

Impact of the Twitter Recommendation Algorithm

The Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) plays a crucial role in shaping the experience for both users and advertisers on the platform.

 By using machine learning to curate personalized timelines and targeted advertisements, the algorithm significantly impacts how content is delivered and received.

On Users

The Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) significantly enhances users' experiences by predicting which tweets they are most likely to engage with, creating a personalized timeline. Here is a brief overview of the new X algorithm on the users: 

  • This tailored approach means users see content relevant to their interests, making their time on the platform more enjoyable and engaging.
  • The algorithm can sometimes be unpredictable and frustrating, with tweets from accounts users follow not always appearing in their timelines.
  • When tweets from accounts they don't follow show up more frequently. It leads to a less satisfying experience for some users. 
  • Additionally, the algorithm may reinforce existing beliefs and biases by predominantly showing tweets similar to those users have previously engaged with, potentially creating echo chambers.

On Advertisers

For advertisers, the Twitter algorithm (now X algorithm) is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it enhances the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by showing ads to users who are most likely to engage with them. Let’s take a closer look at how the advertisers are affected: 

  • The targeted approach can lead to higher engagement rates, increased impressions, website visits, and app installs, making advertising on Twitter more effective. 
  • The algorithm also requires advertisers to be more strategic in their targeting and content creation. Advertisers must deeply understand their target audience to create engaging and relevant content.
  • Advertisers needs to be aware of ad fatigue, as users may become tired of seeing the same ads repeatedly, diminishing the ads' effectiveness.

Now that we've covered the impact on advertisers, let's take a look at what the future holds for Twitter's recommendation system.

What’s Next for Twitter’s Recommendation System?

As the center of global conversations, Twitter continually evolves to serve its users better. Every day, the platform delivers over 500 million tweets to users' devices, striving to present the most engaging and relevant content. 

So, what’s next for Twitter’s recommendation algorithm?

Expanding Recommendation Systems

Twitter is focusing on expanding its recommendation systems to enhance user experience further. This includes developing new real-time features that can deliver content even more swiftly and accurately.

By improving the speed and accuracy of recommendations, Twitter aims to keep users engaged with fresh and relevant tweets.

Enhancing Embeddings and User Representations

One of the exciting advancements in the pipeline is the enhancement of embeddings and user representations. Embeddings are numerical representations of users' interests and tweet content. By refining these embeddings, 

Twitter can better understand and predict what users want to see. This means more personalized content that aligns closely with individual user preferences, making timelines even more engaging.

Leveraging a Unique Dataset

Twitter’s vast and diverse dataset is one of its greatest assets. With millions of users engaging in countless conversations, the platform has access to an unparalleled wealth of information. This unique dataset allows 

Twitter to refine its algorithms continually, ensuring they can handle a wide array of interests and topics. Leveraging this data helps Twitter build more robust and accurate recommendation systems.

Building the Town Square of the Future

Twitter’s vision is to create the town square of the future—a place where diverse voices and conversations can thrive. 

By advancing its algorithm, Twitter aims to foster an inclusive environment where users can discover new perspectives and engage in meaningful discussions. 

This involves not only technological enhancements but also thoughtful consideration of how content is curated and presented. Before we depart, let’s have a quick recap of what we learned about the algorithms behind Twitter so far. 


The Twitter (X) algorithm plays a crucial role in shaping user experience and content delivery on the platform. By understanding and leveraging the algorithm, users and brands can enhance their engagement and visibility.

Main Highlights:

  • Personalized Content: The algorithm curates personalized timelines based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Key Ranking Signals: Recency, relevance, diversity, and media presence are critical factors influencing tweet visibility.
  • Recent Updates: Significant changes in 2024 include a focus on relevance-based content and promoting tweets from smaller accounts.
  • Impact on Users and Advertisers: The algorithm enhances user experience but requires strategic content creation from advertisers.
  • Future Developments: Twitter is expanding its recommendation systems, enhancing user embeddings, and leveraging its unique dataset.

Optimize your Twitter presence with Blaze. Sign up for a free demo to gain insights and advanced analytics to boost your engagement and visibility on Twitter.

Blaze helps you understand what works best for your audience, making your social media strategy more effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the Twitter (X) algorithm?

A1: It's a set of rules that rank content to ensure users see the most relevant tweets based on factors like location, virality, personal interests, and media presence.

Q2. How has the Twitter algorithm changed in 2024?

A2: In 2024, updates include relevance-based content delivery and promoting tweets from smaller accounts for better user engagement and inclusivity.

Q3. What factors influence the ranking of tweets in the Twitter algorithm?

A3: Factors include recency, relevance, diversity, media presence, virality, and spam detection.

Q4. How can brands and content creators optimize their tweets for the Twitter algorithm?

A4: By posting regularly, getting verified, tweeting at optimal times, using hashtags and media, encouraging engagement, and applying insights from analytics.

Q5. What is the impact of the Twitter algorithm on users and advertisers?

A5: For users, it provides personalized content but can be unpredictable. For advertisers, it enhances targeting and engagement but requires strategic content creation.


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