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Jun 8, 2023

Everything You Need To Know About NFT Whitelists

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NFT Whitelists Explained: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Non-Fungible Token Whitelisting

The skyrocketing popularity of NFTs (non-fungible) tokens has triggered a rivalry between collectors, with everyone eyeing rare NFTs. At the same time, scams have swept the NFT space, creating an environment of mistrust. To solve the rivalry issue and separate genuine NFT collections from scams, NFT providers (creators and marketplaces) have come up with the concept of whitelisting.

If you have read about NFTs or have an interest in collecting rare collectibles, you might have heard of the term 'NFT Whitelist'. In this blog, we discuss NFT whitelists and the process of getting whitelisted in detail.

Introduction to NFT Whitelists

Whitelisting means approving certain IP addresses and wallet addresses to participate in an activity. Since crypto and NFT projects focus a lot on community building, they may have thousands of community members even before the launch. These projects have a certain fraction of their total supply reserved for the community members, to provide them with exclusive access before the launch.

While the number of NFTs might be fixed, the demand surpasses the supply more often than not. To democratize the participation process for a private sale or exclusive access, NFT projects resort to whitelisting. NFT whitelisting allows community members to register their interest for the private sale and then, a certain number of wallet addresses are whitelisted for the private sale based on certain pre-determined conditions.

How and Why are NFT Whitelists Used

There are various tactics that NFT projects use to invite entrees for whitelists. Generally, most projects release a whitelisting form. Interest users are required to fill out the form and provide certain details, including their wallet address, the reason they want to join the private sale and their email address.

In some cases, interested users may also have to perform a certain activity, i.e. following a Twitter account or liking and retweeting a tweet to be eligible for private sale whitelisting. Below is an example of the same.

There are three key reasons NFT projects use whitelists:

  • Rewarding Early Adopters: NFT projects need a solid community to sustain and grow. Community strength is one of the factors that investors look at before putting their money into a project. Therefore, the early adopters of a project are also its biggest ambassadors. Whitelisting allows NFT projects to reward these ambassadors for their loyalty toward the project.
  • Keep a Check on Gas Fees: Since public sales are open to all, a lot of users interacting with the smart contract at the same time causes a significant surge in gas fees. Unlike public sales, private sales are restricted as whitelisting limits entry to them, preventing a surge in gas fees.
  • Preventing Scams: Whitelisting allows projects to keep a check on who joins the private sale. This way, they can prevent the entry of scam accounts indulging in activities like mass registration.

How To Participate In NFT Whitelisting

The process to get whitelisted for an NFT private sale may vary from project to project. But here are some general steps to maximize whitelisting chances:

  • Find New/Pre-launch NFT Projects: The first step is to find new NFT projects with solid fundamentals. How do you find them? Subscribe to the newsletters of popular exchanges and marketplaces to get regular updates about new projects. Keep an eye on Web3 publications, join NFT-centric communities on social media, and do targeted searches with specific keywords.
  • Join The Community: As mentioned earlier, private sales are designed to reward early adopters and community members. Once you spot new NFT projects, make sure you follow them on Twitter and join their community on Telegram and Discord. Participate in discussions and AMAs, give feedback, and contribute to the project. This way, you can catch the eyes of the founders and community moderators. It certainly betters your chances of getting whitelisted.
  • Follow The Instructions: As mentioned earlier, some projects may require you to complete certain tasks, like retweeting a particular tweet or creating memes around the project. Make sure you complete those tasks before the deadline to increase your chances of getting whitelisted. Once you complete the tasks, you are required to share screenshots of completed tasks on Telegram or Discord.

Note: You must sign up on a crypto wallet and top it up to get whitelisted for an NFT private sale.


NFT whitelists allow project owners to grow their community, reward early adopters, counter gas wars and establish authenticity by preventing scam interactions. They also help NFT projects create a buzz online for greater visibility. Anyone following the aforementioned processes can apply for an NFT private sale whitelist. However, remaining active in community channels increases your chances of getting whitelisted substantially.

Are you planning to launch your NFT private sale whitelist? Building a community is a prerequisite for that. Sign up on Blaze now to grow your audience and track engagement in real time.



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