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Jul 13, 2023

Everything You Need to Know About DAOs

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Everything You Need to Know About DAOs

Everything you need to know about DAOs. Image Credits: Adobe Stock

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are reshaping traditional governance structures, offering marketers new avenues for collaboration and transparency. This article will explore the world of DAOs, their benefits, and how they work. We will also discuss the key components of a DAO and highlight different types of DAOs in various industries.

What is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)?

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are emerging legal structures characterized by the absence of a central governing body. Instead, DAOs operate through a collective effort of individuals who share a common goal and make decisions using a bottom-up management approach. Initially popularized by cryptocurrency enthusiasts and blockchain technology, DAOs have gained attention for their potential in various industries.

How DAOs Work

DAOs heavily rely on smart contracts, which are programmable agreements that dictate decision-making based on blockchain activity. For instance, the outcome of a decision may trigger a specific code to alter the token supply, burn reserve tokens, or reward existing token holders.

Voting within DAOs is typically conducted on a blockchain, where users choose from mutually-exclusive options. Voting power is often determined by the number of tokens held, giving users with more tokens a greater influence. This mechanism incentivizes token holders to act in good faith, as malicious behavior would jeopardize the value of their holdings.

Many DAOs also maintain treasuries that house tokens for exchange with fiat currency. Members of the DAO can vote on how to utilize these funds, such as acquiring rare non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by allocating treasury resources.

Understanding Decentralized Governance and Its Benefits

One of the key aspects of digital currencies is their decentralized nature. Unlike traditional currencies controlled by centralized institutions like governments or central banks, digital currencies are distributed across multiple computers, networks, and nodes. This decentralization enables enhanced privacy and security in transactions, setting them apart from conventional currencies.

Inspired by the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies, a group of developers conceived the idea of a DAO in 2016. The primary objective of a DAO is to establish oversight and management structures similar to traditional corporations. However, the distinguishing feature of a DAO is the absence of a central authority, with leadership and decision-making responsibilities resting in the hands of the collective participants.

There are various reasons why an organization or group of individuals might consider adopting a DAO structure. Some of the benefits include:

  1. Decentralization: Instead of relying on a single central authority, decisions within a DAO are made collectively by a larger group of individuals, distributing authority across a wider range of users.
  2. Transparency: DAOs provide clear rules and regulations, with members having visibility into the governing code and all blockchain transactions occurring within the network.
  3. Autonomy: Being self-governed by their communities, DAOs operate without needing a central authority figure, empowering all participants.
  4. Community: A DAO brings people together from all over the world to work towards a common goal. All you need is an internet connection to interact with other token holders, no matter where they live. It makes it easy for people to collaborate and be part of a global community.
  5. Anonymity: Membership in a DAO can be anonymous, allowing for flexibility and investment experimentation.
  6. Participation: DAOs foster a sense of empowerment and connection among individuals, as they have a direct voice and voting power in all matters. Although individual voting power may vary, DAOs encourage token holders to actively participate by casting votes, burning tokens, or utilizing their tokens in ways that benefit the organization.

Key Components of a DAO

  1. Voting: DAOs employ voting as a fundamental mechanism for decision-making. Members actively participate by casting votes on proposals related to protocol changes, resource allocation, or strategic initiatives. The voting process is transparent, auditable, and promotes accountability and fairness.
  2. Proposals: DAOs operate through the submission of proposals by community members. These proposals outline ideas, initiatives, or changes that require collective decision-making. Community members engage in discussions, make amendments, and ultimately vote, enabling the community to shape the direction and actions of the DAO.
  3. Token-based Governance: Many DAOs utilize tokens as a governance mechanism. Token holders possess voting power proportionate to their token holdings, encouraging active participation and aligning the community's interests. Token-based governance ensures decisions reflect the collective will of the community.

Types of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

Types of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). Image Credits: Adobe Stock

DAOs can be categorized based on their operational mode, structure, and technology. Here are a few:

  1. DeFi Protocol DAO: These DAOs utilize smart contract protocols to provide users with decentralized financial services (DeFi). Tokens serve as voting mechanisms for implementing protocol and financial changes. Prominent examples include Uniswap, Aave, Maker DAO, and Olympus DAO.
  2. Investment DAO: In this type, a group of individuals pool their resources to make investment decisions, such as investing in startups or artworks. Investment DAOs facilitate capital pooling for various DeFi operations. Examples include Meta Cartel DAO, LAO, and Friends with Benefits.
  3. Grant/Launchpad DAO: Grant DAOs involve community members contributing funds to a shared grant pool and voting on allocating and distributing those funds. These DAOs focus on funding innovative DeFi projects, with organizations submitting applications for funding. Notable examples include Moloch DAO, Gitcoin, and Seedify.
  4. Collector DAO: This type of DAO focuses on acquiring non-fungible tokens (NFTs), artworks, and collectibles. These DAOs take advantage of the growing NFT market. For example, Pleasr DAO made headlines by spending $4 million to purchase Wu-Tang Clan's exclusive album "Once upon a time in Shaolin" and acquiring the Doge meme NFT. Other examples of Collector DAOs include Flamingo DAO, Mutant Cats DAO, and Constitution DAO.
  5. Social DAO: Social DAOs serve as platforms for social interactions and networking within a community. They promote collaboration, engagement, and community-building. Examples of social DAOs include Friends With Benefits, Ape DAO, and Decentraland DAO.

Also read, The Role of DAOs in Web3 Communities: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Examples of Successful DAO Implementations

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have gained significant attention and popularity recently. While the concept is still relatively new, several successful DAO implementations have been across various industries. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Decentraland

This online virtual world is governed by a DAO, where stakeholders democratically take administrative and governance decisions. Anyone who owns the platform's token, known as MANA, can take part in the process, and the platform is quickly becoming popular with global brands, including Morgan Stanley, Coca-Cola, and Adidas, as a way of reaching out to digital-native audiences.

  1. American CryptoFed DAO
American CryptoFed DAO

This DAO made news headlines by becoming the first to be recognized as a legal entity in the US, thanks to a law passed in the web3-friendly state of Wyoming. It positions itself as a crypto-equivalent to the US Federal Reserve and aims to enable fee-free trading using its own token, the Ducat.

  1. BitDAO

BitDAO is a decentralized investment fund backed by PayPal founder Peter Thiel, created to allow anyone to buy a stake in web3 and de-fi startups and initiatives. Token holders can vote on how managed capital is spread across the fund-supported projects.

  1. LexDAO

This DAO aims to create smart contracts capable of carrying out legal services. It is headquartered in the Cryptovoxels metaverse platform and is concerned with building blockchain tools that can automate aspects of legal services, including arbitration. With many DAOs existing in a grey area of legality, services like this may be essential.

  1. Pleasr

Pleasr is a community of artists and enthusiasts investing in NFT artwork and digital collectibles. The collective is driven by a shared belief in the significance of certain ideas and causes represented by the artwork they acquire. They explore the concept of "fractional" ownership, allowing all members to stake in the expanding collection.

These are just a few examples of successful DAO implementations across different industries. DAOs continue to evolve, and new use cases and success stories are emerging as the technology matures.


DAOs are gaining popularity and finding applications in various industries. The rise of NFTs has further fueled interest in DAOs, as people explore opportunities to pool funds for investments in this space. As marketers, understanding the potential of DAOs is crucial in navigating the evolving landscape of decentralized governance. It is essential to foster engagement, maintain transparent communication, incentivize participation, provide educational resources, organize events, and collaborate with influencers. Join the DAO revolution and optimize your community management strategies by registering with Blaze.


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