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Jul 13, 2023

Everything You Need to Know about Brave Browser

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Everything You Need to Know about Brave Browser

Brave browser app. Image Credits: Adobe Stock

In today's digital world, where online privacy and security are extremely important, choosing a browser that values user privacy is crucial. Brave is a trusted option that provides a browsing experience that is more private, secure, and efficient. This article will give you everything about Brave and its amazing features. Let’s begin!

What is the Brave Browser?

The Brave Browser is a web browser that is both free and fast, and it prioritizes user privacy. It functions like a typical web browser, allowing you to browse the internet and use web applications. However, what sets Brave apart is its strong commitment to protecting your privacy.

The Brave browser was co-founded by Brendan Eich, the mastermind behind JavaScript and one of the creators of Mozilla Firefox, along with Brian Bondy, who has a background in Khan Academy and Mozilla. Eich has made it clear that the primary aim of Brave is to combat online surveillance capitalism.

Brave Browser effectively blocks advertisements, trackers, fingerprinting, and crypto-mining attempts to achieve this goal. Resulting in faster page loads (3x) and lower data usage (3x) compared to other browsers. This also extends the battery life of mobile devices.

What are the Main Features of Brave?

  1. Shields:

Brave stands out from other browsers because of its core feature called Shields. These Shields provide default protection by blocking intrusive ads, trackers, fingerprinting, cookies, and more. You can customize your Shields settings or enjoy the pre-set protection.

  1. Brave Search:

Brave offers the world's most comprehensive and private search engine, known as Brave Search. By incorporating Brave Search into the browser, Brave presents an all-in-one alternative to the major tech platforms, combining browsing and searching functionalities. You can set Brave Search as the default search engine in Brave or other popular browsers or access it through search.brave.com.

  1. Rewards/BAT:

You can opt-in to earn BAT rewards in Brave by viewing privacy-preserving ads. These rewards can be used to support content creators or redeemed for gift cards, cryptocurrencies, and more.

  1. Wallet:

Brave Wallet is an integrated cryptocurrency wallet allowing users to store, send, and receive BAT securely. It also enables connectivity to decentralized applications (DApps) and unlocks new experiences on the Web. Through Brave Wallet, you can participate in a decentralized community, engage in NFT trading, explore decentralized finance, social media, and gaming, and dive into the world of Web3.

  1. Firewall + VPN:

Brave VPN ensures encryption and protection for all your online activities, even when using apps outside the Brave browser. Whether on desktop or mobile, you can initiate the VPN by clicking "VPN" in the address bar (desktop) or accessing Settings > VPN (mobile).

  1. Talk:

In Brave, you can make unlimited private video calls directly in your browser without additional applications. These connections are free and secure, powered by Brave's technology that prioritizes privacy and eliminates tracking.

  1. News:

Brave News offers a customizable news feed that updates you with the latest information. You can curate the feed from various sources, including top publishers, RSS feeds, blogs, news outlets, magazines, and more. The content spans across various categories, ensuring a diverse range of news options.

  1. Playlist:

With Brave Playlist, you can easily create a personalized collection of your favorite audio and video streams directly within the browser. Adding items to your playlist requires just a single tap, eliminating the need for additional apps on your device. You can enjoy playback anytime and anywhere, even offline.

Brave Privacy and Security Features

The Brave team places great importance on security and privacy. The Brave browser automatically blocks cross-site trackers, third-party cookies, fingerprinting, bounce tracking, and certain malware and phishing attempts.

It also prevents invasive ads from appearing on every page you visit, providing a faster and clutter-free browsing experience. Additionally, Brave enhances the security of connections by upgrading them to more secure HTTPS whenever possible.

Brave is built on the open-source Chromium project, which is the foundation for browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Vivaldi. While Chromium offers a secure browsing platform, the versions used in Chrome and Edge do not prioritize user privacy.

In contrast, Brave makes significant changes and removes certain elements with each Chromium release, such as:

  • Proxying communication with Google services through Brave servers.
  • Implementing client-side encryption for synchronization, ensuring data never touches Google's servers.
  • Removing privacy-invasive features like Google's Reporting, Topics, and Network Status APIs and eliminating FLoC and Fledge.

By incorporating these modifications, Brave provides a browser that excels in security, privacy, and performance, offering the best of all worlds.

Brave Rewards System and How it Works

Brave Rewards allows users to earn Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) tokens by viewing ads within the Brave browser. Users can select the types of Brave Ads they wish to see and earn from, such as images on the new tab page or push notifications.

In addition to earning BAT, Brave Rewards allows you to support content creators by making on-demand BAT contributions to your favorite websites and creators. Alternatively, you can choose to have Brave automatically contribute on your behalf.

BAT can be exchanged for various currencies, including traditional fiat and cryptocurrencies. It can also be used to purchase gift cards.

Furthermore, you can transfer BAT to your Web3 wallet, where you can store, swap, and manage it like any other crypto asset. With BAT, you can even participate in the purchase of NFTs and make in-app transactions within Web3 decentralized applications (DApps).

Latest Updates on Brave

Brave's desktop release (version 1.44) introduces new features to the integrated Brave Wallet. These include a fiat-crypto on-ramp for US users and support for Solana token swaps.

In addition, the wallet now includes an NFT gallery, allowing users to manage their NFT collections conveniently. A market tab with real-time price feeds has also been added to update users on cryptocurrency prices.

These updates are initially available on desktop and will soon be rolled out to the mobile version of Brave.

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Brave is a powerful tool that can be used to improve user privacy, security, and performance. It is also a great way to reach new audiences and generate leads. If you are looking for a way to improve your marketing efforts, Brave is a great option to consider. Sign up with Blaze to help you make informed marketing decisions.


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