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Sep 12, 2023

Effective Lead Generation Tactics For Hiring Top Developers In The Tech Industry

Hire top developers for your company with these lead-generation tactics

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Lead generation tactics to hire developers | Source: Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Hiring skilled talent is one of the biggest roadblocks for businesses struggling to achieve operational efficiency. Especially for Web3 businesses, the shortage of quality talent pools is a major problem. If you are building a Web3 solution and facing difficulty in hiring top developers, this blog is for you. In this blog, we discuss the top lead-generation tactics to onboard quality talent.

Understanding the Tech Talent Landscape

The shortage of skilled developers is a global problem. According to a 2022 survey, while the number of blockchain apps globally already exceeds 80,000, there are only 250,000 Web3 contract developers globally. To put it simply, the availability of limited skilled developers calls for a proactive recruitment industry to attract top talent from the tech industry and build a cutting-edge solution.

Crafting an Irresistible Employer Brand

A strong employer brand is a magnet for top talent. Developers are drawn to companies that align with their values and offer exciting growth opportunities. As a brand strategist, you should focus on weaving a story that highlights your company's work environment, culture, and long-term vision.

Here's how you create an irresistible employer brand:

  • Define Company Identity: Update your LinkedIn, website, and social media profiles to highlight the company's mission, values, and culture.
  • Craft a Compelling EVP: EVP stands for employee value proposition. It means designing the job description with irresistible perks, including growth opportunities, flexible work options, work-life balance, access to cutting-edge tools, networking opportunities, etc.
  • Consistent Brand Messaging: Consistent brand messaging is one of the primary lead-generation tactics across industries. Be it advertisements, social media outreach, or an official website, the messaging should be consistent.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering an inclusive workspace is paramount to building a recognizable brand. Highlight that you are open to working with anyone, with skills being the only parameter.

Leveraging Social Media for Developer Recruitment

Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter amplify your recruitment plan by helping you reach the target audience. According to LinkedIn, tech jobs are poised to grow in 2023 with 64% of tech managers planning to hire full-time staff. Meaning you need to stand out and reach potential fits before others.

Hiring through social media | Source

Leading fast-food outlet McDonald's went one step ahead to use Snapchat for recruitment.

Chart of tech hiring statistics through social media
Social media outreach for tech hiring | Source

Leveraging social media outreach is critical to do so. You can optimize your job postings, participate in relevant community conversations and follow hashtags like #OpentoWork to get skilled talent on board. Also, you must focus on creating compelling job descriptions. Let's have a look at how to do that.

Creating Engaging Job Descriptions

Your job description must engage developers from the first word. It should highlight the company's value proposition, employee benefits, challenges that developers may face, KPIs, evaluation process, appraisal rules, timings, work environments, etc. To make it more compelling, you may also use visuals. Remember, a compelling job description is one of the most powerful lead-generation tactics.

Building and Nurturing Developer Communities

Developing an app or software requires consistent upskilling. Thus, developers always seek to be a part of communities where they can learn about new technologies and thrive. You can build such communities using a BootCamp or workshop to foster connections and unlock access to wider talent communities. Focus on providing value through these communities to emerge as an irresistible company to work with.

Utilizing Employee Referral Programs

Chart of referred employee statistics
Employee referral programs for hiring  | Source

Leveraging referral programs is among the most popular lead-generation tactics for expanding development teams. As mentioned earlier, your current employees are your biggest ambassadors. Leverage their networks to reach out to skilled professionals faster. Incentivize employee contribution in hiring by starting a referral program.

Showcasing Company Culture and Values

Developers seek a company where they can upskill, learn from others, and contribute to the company's growth without any toxic work culture. Thus, you must use every available opportunity to showcase your company's culture and values. Offer employee-friendly propositions like remote work options to unlock access to the global developer workforce. Have a look at how Google uses its social media pages to showcase company culture.

Google's company culture
Showcasing company culture on social media | Source

Set up a career page on your website with enriching blogs, share company meetups, and event pictures on Linkedin, and request previous employees for testimonials on sites like Glassdoor.

Implementing Proactive Talent Outreach

Chart of how to hire proactively
Proactive hiring approach | Source

Do not just post the JD and wait for developers to approach you. Thousands of companies are looking for skilled developers. Identify potential fits through platforms like GitHub, StackOverflow, etc. Set up a development-centric blog page with a landing page. Hire HR professionals and leverage personalized messaging for faster results.

Optimizing Careers Pages and Landing Pages

Evaluating a company's site activity on Google Search Console will make one realize that a significant share of traffic comes from the Careers page. This means a lot of developers might already be looking for a job like you have to offer. Thus, you must leverage relevant keywords and optimize your careers page for different devices to be easily discoverable.

Participating in Tech Events and Hackathons

Another popular method to connect with potential developers is through tech events and hackathons. Skilled developers attend such events either to upskill or to participate in contests for bounties. You can connect with a lot of developers in person and take the conversation ahead.


The demand for skilled developers is on the rise while the number of skilled developers available for hiring remains to be limited. Thus, you need to deploy proven lead-generation tactics to reach out to top developers globally. Be it attending tech events in person, leveraging personalized messaging, drafting a compelling JD, or running a referral program, there are several ways to attract top talent.

However, doing all this manually may take a lot of time and effort with a significant investment in the hiring process. Alternatively, you can leverage Blaze's lead generation solution to identify potential fits and reach out to them faster. Are you ready to optimize your hiring efforts?


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