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Jun 23, 2024

Complete Guide to Setting Up Ads on Twitter

Step-by-step guide to creating Twitter Ads Account, includes selecting ad types that align with your marketing goals.

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In today's digital landscape, where user engagement and retention are paramount, harnessing the power of social media advertising is essential for businesses to thrive. For Web3 companies, navigating the advertising terrain can be exciting and daunting. However, with the right strategies and platforms like Twitter, reaching and engaging with your target audience has never been more attainable.

Ready to tweet your way to success? Let's dive into Twitter advertising with some Web3 flair!


Twitter is a formidable platform for businesses aiming to bolster their online presence and drive growth. Its robust advertising capabilities and extensive user base make it an invaluable tool for Web3 companies seeking to leverage AI-powered automation and tap into the tokenized world. But what exactly sets Twitter advertising apart from the others, and why is it crucial for businesses in the Web3 space? Let’s explore why one should advertise on Twitter. 

Why Should You Advertise On Twitter? 

  • Wide reach: As of 2022 reports, Twitter has about 368 million monthly active users, offering businesses a significant audience to connect with.
  • Real-time engagement: The platform's fast-paced nature allows instant interactions, fostering meaningful user connections.
  • Targeting capabilities: Advanced targeting options enable precise audience segmentation based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Versatile ad formats: From Promoted Tweets to Dynamic Product Ads, Twitter provides a range of formats to suit diverse campaign objectives and creative needs.

Before exploring the intricacies of Twitter advertising, it's essential to understand the initial steps involved in setting up an advertising account and campaigns.

Creating a Twitter Ads Account

Setting up a Twitter Ads account is the first step of your advertising on Twitter campaigns. Follow these detailed steps to get started:

A step-by-step guide to creating a Twitter Ads account

Image credit: Twitter business

  1. Sign Up or Log In to Twitter

Image Credit: X Daily News

  • If you already have a Twitter account, log in with your credentials. If you don't have an account, sign up at Twitter.com.

  1. Access Twitter Ads

Image Source: Statusbrew

  • Once logged in, go to the Twitter Ads page by navigating to ads.twitter.com. You can also access this through the profile menu by clicking your profile icon and selecting "Twitter Ads."

  1. Select Your Country and Time Zone

Image Credit: Twitter Business

  • Choose the country and time zone for your ads account. This setting is crucial as it affects your billing and reporting times.

  1. Create Your First Campaign

Image Source: Twitter Business

  • Click on the "Create Campaign" button. This step will lead you to the Twitter Ads Manager, where you can start creating your campaign. If you prefer to explore the Ads Manager first, you can skip this step for now and come back to it later.

  1. Enter Billing Information

Image Credit: Twitter Business

  • You will be prompted to enter your billing information. This is necessary to activate your account and run ads. Twitter accepts various payment methods, including credit cards and PayPal. Enter your billing details accurately to avoid any disruptions in your campaigns.

  1. Set Up Account Detailssome text
    • Fill in the required account details, such as your company name, contact details, and any additional information Twitter requests. This helps Twitter verify your account and tailor your ad experience.

  2. Explore Twitter Ads Managersome text
    • Once your account is set up, you will be taken to the Twitter Ads Manager dashboard. This is where you will create, manage, and analyze your ad campaigns. Do spend some time exploring the interface to familiarize yourself with its features and navigation.

Navigating the Twitter Ads Manager

Image credit: Twitter business

The Twitter Ads Manager is the hub of your advertising activities on Twitter. Here's a brief overview of its key components and functionalities:

  • Dashboard: The main screen where you can view the performance summary of your campaigns, ad groups, and individual ads. It provides quick insights into metrics such as impressions, engagements, spending, and more.
  • Campaigns: The section where you create and manage your ad campaigns. You can view detailed performance data, edit campaign settings, and pause or delete campaigns as needed.
  • Creatives: This area allows you to create and manage your ad creatives, including tweets, videos, and images. You can use existing tweets or create new ones specifically for your campaigns.
  • Analytics: Access detailed reports and analytics to measure the performance of your campaigns. This section provides in-depth insights into audience demographics, engagement metrics, and conversion data.
  • Tools: Twitter offers various tools to enhance your advertising efforts, such as the Ads Editor for bulk editing, conversion tracking setup, and tailored audience creation. 

Setting Up Your First Twitter Ad Campaign

Now that you've chosen your preferred approach, it's time to delve into the nitty-gritty of crafting your inaugural Twitter ad campaign.

Ad group setup and auction-based ad system

Ad groups serve as the building blocks of your campaign, facilitating efficient organization and management of your ads. A robust auction-based ad system dictates ad placement and pricing in Twitter advertising, ensuring fairness and relevance in the ad ecosystem. As you navigate through the setup process, familiarize yourself with different bid types, including maximum bid, automatic bid, and target bid, to align with your campaign goals and budget strategy.

Blaze's analytics can provide valuable insights to fine-tune these settings.

Choosing the right Twitter Ad type

With the groundwork laid, it's time to explore the diverse array of Twitter ad types available at your disposal.

Overview of different Twitter ad types

  • Promoted ads: Elevate the visibility of tweets, accounts, or trends to broaden your audience reach.
  • Vertical video ads: A captivating format for displaying your ads, which helps in increasing both account drive and reach. 
  • Twitter amplify: Collaborate with influencers or media outlets to amplify your brand message.
  • Twitter takeover: Commandeer the Twitter feed with prominent brand content for a designated period.
  • Dynamic product ads (DPA): Personalized product recommendations based on user interactions.
  • Collection ads: Showcase a curated collection of products or services to drive engagement and conversions.

Ready to take the plunge? Let's see how to configure your ad details for the best results. 

Ad Campaign Objectives

Understanding and selecting the right ad campaign objective is crucial for the success of your Twitter advertising efforts. Twitter offers several objectives that align with different stages of the marketing funnel, helping move prospects closer to conversion:

  • Awareness:
    • Reach campaigns: Display your ad to as many people as possible within a set timeframe. You pay per thousand impressions (CPM).

  • Consideration:
    • Video views: Promote video ads and pay-per-view (CPV).
    • App installs: Drive app installations with a cost-per-install (CPI) payment model.
    • Website clicks: Increase website traffic by paying per click (CPC).
    • Tweet engagements: Boost engagement on your tweets and pay per engagement.
    • Followers: Promote your account to gain more followers, paying per follow.

  • Conversion:
    • App re-engagements: Encourage users to take action within your app, with a cost-per-click model for in-app actions​.

Choosing the right bidding strategy

When setting up your Twitter ad campaign, selecting the appropriate bidding strategy is crucial for achieving your marketing goals efficiently. Twitter offers three main bidding options:

  • Automatic bid: Twitter optimizes bids to achieve the best results at the lowest cost within your budget. This is ideal for beginners or those seeking a hassle-free approach.
  • Target bid: Allows you to specify a desired cost per action (CPA), balancing bids to average out to your target CPA. This offers a mix of control and flexibility.
  • Maximum bid: Sets a strict cap on how much you're willing to pay per action, ensuring budget control but potentially limiting reach if bids are too low.

Understanding these options helps in maximizing returns while maintaining control over ad spend​.

Advanced targeting options and ad formats

Tailor your audience targeting by leveraging advanced targeting features to pinpoint the most relevant users. Customize your ad content with compelling text, captivating visuals, and interactive elements to captivate your audience's attention and drive desired actions. Blaze's AI-powered insights can guide these creative decisions. 

  • Keywords: Target users based on specific keywords they use.
  • Interests: Focus on users with interests related to your product or service.
  • TV Shows and Events: Target users who engage with particular TV shows or events.
  • Demographics: Refine your audience by gender, age, location, and language.

Customize your ad content with compelling text, captivating visuals, and interactive elements to captivate your audience's attention and drive desired actions​​.

Ad placements

Ad placements are crucial in determining where your ads will be displayed on Twitter. Selecting the right placements ensures that your ads reach the most relevant audience segments, maximizing engagement and conversion potential. Here’s an expanded look at the different ad placements available on Twitter and their unique benefits:

1. Home timeline

The home timeline is one of the most prominent and valuable placements for Twitter ads. Ads appearing in the home timeline are seamlessly integrated into the user’s feed, making them less intrusive and more likely to be seen.

  • Visibility: High, as users frequently scroll through their home timeline.
  • Engagement: Ads here can blend naturally with organic content, leading to higher engagement rates.
  • Ideal For: Promoted Tweets, engaging content that encourages interaction, and awareness campaigns​. 

2. Search results

Ads placed in search results appear when users search for specific keywords or hashtags. This placement targets users who are actively looking for information, making them more likely to engage with relevant ads.

  • Visibility: Moderate to high, depending on search volume.
  • Engagement: Users searching for specific terms are typically more engaged and have higher intent.
  • Ideal For: Keyword targeting, promoting events, or trending topics related to user searches​.

3. Profiles

Ads can also appear on user profiles, either within the profile itself or on the pages of users viewing the profile. This placement helps target followers of specific accounts and users who engage deeply with Twitter profiles.

  • Visibility: Moderate, influenced by profile visit frequency.
  • Engagement: Effective for targeting followers of influencers, brand advocates, or competitors.
  • Ideal For: Building brand loyalty, follower ads, and profile-specific promotions​​.

Now that you've selected the ideal ad type for your campaign, it's time to fine-tune the specifics to ensure maximum impact.

Now that your campaign is live let's talk about how to keep it performing at its best.

Monitoring And Adjusting Your Twitter Ad Campaign

With your campaign live, it's crucial to keep a close eye on its performance and make necessary adjustments along the way.

Campaign metrics and optimization strategies

Monitor key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions regularly to gauge the effectiveness of your campaign. Use insights gleaned from analytics to refine ad creative, tweak targeting parameters, and optimize bid management for optimal results.

Cost Management Of Twitter Ads

Understanding the financial aspects of Twitter advertising is essential for maximizing your return on investment.

Understanding Twitter Ads Billing and Average Costs

To budget effectively for your campaigns, familiarize yourself with Twitter's pay-per-engagement model and the average costs associated with different ad formats and targeting options. 

Strategies for bid management and budget distribution

Optimize your bidding strategy to ensure maximum ROI while adhering to your allocated budget. Experiment with different bid types and budget distribution methods to identify the most effective approach for your campaigns.

Utilizing Twitter Analytics and Ads Editor

Leverage Twitter Analytics to track campaign performance and utilize the Ads Editor tool for seamless campaign management and optimization. Implement conversion tracking to accurately measure the impact of your Twitter ads on your business objectives, while Blaze's comprehensive insights help further these efforts. 

By now, you should have all the tools you need to succeed with Twitter ads, so let's conclude with some final thoughts and the next steps.


Mastering the art of advertising on Twitter is a journey that requires dedication, strategy, and adaptability. Following the comprehensive guide outlined above, Web3 companies can unlock Twitter advertising's full potential to drive growth, engagement, and retention in the tokenized world. So, what are you waiting for? Start experimenting with Twitter ads today and propel your business to new heights in Web3. With persistence and innovation, the possibilities are limitless. 

Also, sign up for a free trial with Blaze to explore its benefits and strategies.


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