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Jul 13, 2023

Top 4 community platforms for web3 projects

Explore the best platforms for web3 projects. Compare features, use cases and find the perfect fit for your community.

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Community-building and engagement are some of the key tasks marketing managers and growth leaders are spending most of their time and effort on. This becomes ever so important for any brands/projects trying to build on Web3-supported apps.

Some tactics that businesses can use to engage communities are:

  • Ask for real-time feedback and crowdsource ideas
  • Provide real-time help and support to users facing issues
  • Create brand awareness by announcing the news, features updates or future launches
  • Learn about customer challenges & preferences to boost personalization or prioritize the next product feature
  • Reward your most heavy users to foster brand loyalty

Top Web 3 community platforms

The best community platforms at present may have centralized systems. Yet, they all practice the principles of a decentralized setup i.e. to give power to the users. To foster these principles, some of the best community platforms used by brand marketers & growth leaders are:


Discord was created as a platform for the online gaming community. It has grown into an integrated network with dedicated servers for not just games but also art, tech, crypto and much more.

It is a no-ad-based platform that has many unique features including bot moderation, sub-channels, and communication via voice, text or video. Servers can be private or public, so different audiences can be treated differently. The insights tab for the server allows admins to analyze performance and engagement metrics. It also offers paid versions such as Discord Nitro that add more functionality like higher file uploads, higher quality video/live streaming, custom gifs/emojis/avatars and much more.


For marketers, Twitter is one of the most influential platforms. It has 229 million daily active users. It is best suited to breaking news, the latest trends, finding like-minded individuals and establishing expertise.

Twitter can generate high levels of engagement because of its simple and character-restricted summarized flow of information. Use of features like Twitter Spaces for joining conversations, detailed threads, pinned tweets and promoted posts are some of the effective features to keep your audience connected & engaged. It also provides a strong analytics arm to analyze your campaigns, while utilizing Twitter Trends can assist marketers to find new topics for content roll-out.


For Web 3.0 audiences, Reddit occupies a valuable space. This platform is made up of thousands of communities known as subreddits. Each subreddit has its subjects and moderation. Estimates suggest that Reddit has over 50 million daily active users all over the world.

A useful and unique feature is that Reddit works as a bulletin. From here, users can upvote or downvote posts. Businesses that understand user segments can create subreddits that get upvotes, attracting more eyeballs and conversations. Other popular Reddit posts involve memes and AMAs. It can be a useful tool for increased virality as posts/threads on trending topics that are put on subreddits allows all users to see and participate.


Telegram is popular among the crypto community as well as with other users. It is an encrypted real-time messaging service where groups of up to 200,000 people can be created with new joiners having access to previous chats. You can also create a Telegram Channel for one-way messages, with unlimited members.

Also read, How to successfully measure the impact of your community strategy

Telegram is a great platform for real-time feedback and 24/7 support. It offers moderation tools as bots for automation with unlimited cloud storage. Potential consumers can also be provided links to outside content. They can be informed about brand announcements or shared resources that relate to their interests.

At Blaze, we specialize in analyzing users in such communities across the above-mentioned platforms and their respective transactions across Web3 applications. Our industries' best CRM tools help marketers to grow them sustainably without manual hassle. Sign up to Blaze today.


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