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Jul 13, 2023

3 amazing Discord bots for server management

Discord server owners need to be on their toes to retain & attract members. Here are some tools to help them with server management.

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According to recent reports, Discord has more than 300 million registered accounts. More than 140 million active monthly users interact with each other on over 13.5 million servers.

These numbers mean that Discord community managers and marketers must provide great customer support to retain their users. This helps build brand image and increase sales, making the enterprise stand out among the competition.

Unfortunately, with so many tools available, it's hard to find the best ones to serve your needs. To save you time, we have picked the 3 best tools for ticketing, automated FAQs, and analytics that you can use right away to boost your server.

Ticketbot for Ticketing

A ticket is a record of an interaction between a customer and a support team. A ticket is created when a customer query is raised. Ticketing is a system to track the status of these customer queries.  

Ticketbot is a Discord support bot that manages tickets on a server. It can be customized to serve specific support requests by the user.

  • Ticketbot improves user experience by recording questions and ensuring that they are answered by moderators.
  • Server administrators can create separate channels for customer support. With Ticketbot, questions can be automatically routed to these channels. Moderators can then efficiently answer them one by one.

Ticketbot streamlines the process of creating, distributing, and resolving tickets. It allows moderators to manage and resolve support tickets efficiently.

BotDisco for Automations

BotDisco is a flexible, one-stop solution for server owners. It lets them manage user onboarding, moderation, customer support, and engagement. They can save time while making the user experience more satisfying.

Here are some of the automated tasks BotDisco can be used for in Discord:

  • Creating a custom slash command for moderator help.
  • Assigning user roles via secret passwords or messages.
  • Using it as a CRM assistant by tracking member points, Twitter URLs, and coins.
  • Warn/Mute/Kick/Ban users easily who don't abide with the server rules.
  • Allowing only Discord server admins to run specific slash commands.
  • Creating /suggest and /support commands to automate and extend FAQ support.
  • Automated meme bots, currency converters and other integrations that allow Public APIs.

Also read, 3 best bots to track Discord server stats

Blaze for Analytics

Blaze gives marketers powerful CRM and analytics tools to enable them to grow their communities. They can track community KPIs, evaluate campaigns, and manage users at scale. Blaze can also be seamlessly integrated with Discord and Twitter.

Some of Blaze's features are:

  • Marketers can establish, measure and report on community KPIs to measure growth metrics like new community members and retention.
  • Organic marketing campaigns can be evaluated based on preferred KPIs and growth goals.
  • Community members can be managed and segmented. This helps to identify evangelists as well as those who are at risk of churning.
  • Topics and word clouds can be created to extract community feedback and monitor sentiment.

At Blaze, we arecommitted to using new-gen tools that help managers analyze and build communities on Discord and other popular Web3 platforms. To discover more, register on Blaze today.


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