Cat Bot

Cat Bot


A feature-rich discord bot with functionality all around the popular rhythm game osu!

Cat Bot

A feature-rich discord bot with functionality all around the popular rhythm game osu!
Check recent plays, top scores, user profiles, map leaderboards, popular maps, national #1s, various graphs, multiplayer performances, simulated scores, and so much more.
Want to prove your knowledge of map backgrounds? The background guessing game will provide you a small part of a background and you'll have to guess the song title.
Track players in a channel so the bot sends a notification when they get a new top score.
Track multiplayer matches so that the bot imitates the official multiplayer webpage by keeping a channel up-to-date with everything that happens in the lobby.
Track twitch streams to notify whenever a streamer comes online.

/card - Create a user card

/graph - Display graphs about some user data

/rs - Show a user's recent score

/top - Display the user's current top100

/bg - Start a new background guessing game

